Friday, June 1, 2007


AS Vast as the horizon itself, the vested interests seem to be every broading in their sense perception and daily orientation. So the VvAST(E)D'dimensions were not that bad after all. Come to think of them now, it is that One Symposium with truth, One moment to live for, One moment that can change your life considerably, One Goal, One Love, ONe true good beginning, one honest quest, one pure intention, one time tested tour yet so out of it's regular perceptive dimensions.

Today is confessions day, taking over from all my previous percepts, i am going to draw a conclusion on my pre-mono-logues and start giving it a sense of direction. So from now on thoughts are going to be in Vested interests of a new norman(l)clature. The braces will stay for i cannot yet write single dimensionally. The intensity is always more then i expect to start with, irrespective of the fact that all the forthcomming meanderings with words will be more gait-ish. More on the lines of Walk the talk and jump the walk, NEW is the generation and common will be the idiocy. Self-contemplation will be out and confrontation is in.

To this date, i have always enunciated the rawness in my thoughts to the relativity of suble realms. This year i confer my sarcasm to you, as i was to late to realize that luck seems to be playing a mightier role here than mr.sarcasm himself. The sheer nudity of my thoughts may have been obstrusive to the people who i want to understand me, but always form my own point of view. For as the flow has been shifting from the subtle to the not so material realm, the connectivity is going to be like a suspension bridge, the line i am going to walk will be 'hanging loose'. That is how i have learnt look at the world a little less profoundly.

Compassion with words and retaliation with truth is the new way of life. For all i every had to give was sown in phrases that flow as many spectra of guilt, hatred, understanding, negotiating with life, accepting people, commenting on their ways, retrospecting on my own self, searching for the truth, marg-the way, in and out of dead-locks, sometimes compensations to contemplations beyond my own understanding, gaining the flow, being in touch with the real and the surreal, the macabre of loneliness, the joyful experiences from myraid lovely hearings, complaints to luck, issues in life, though not many lately, thanks to sense and sensibility that time and only time could have taught me, for what can mend ways of an extremist, the beautiful spacing of timely events that test his patience, and i have stood by for just as long enough to confess today whole heartedly my desire to come out with cleaner acts.

Thank ful are the ways of people around me who bore my shrewd complexity, but they always knew that i am not to think of anything untoward for them, then you may ask why shrewd, as the transformation in time even got me to people and places which were below my expectations, but i only stood realized again and again that my expectations with life were not reasonable enough. i was not thinking on practical grounds. Time taught me the real meaning of patience and it's rewards. Though never bothered about the rewads, the learning during this phase has been more outwardly and mondial than i had to think i must have been missing.

How deeper do i need to understand you, oh dear life of mine, is what motivates me and inches me closer and closer to you. The Food and sleep apart. Are you becoming an integral part of my life or are you becoming an integral part of my life, with options being kept limited, i only want to give more from here on. I have taken a lot from you la viva locas, for my quest ended there, but now, i seek your solicitudes in peace and calm like ablutions. Rhetoric and ritual as it may sound, the surrender is total, with complete harmonious integrity for all goodness in life.

Smiling. This year, and from now on, my thoughts march towards a new path and i hope that along this presumably balanced path i rediscover you over and over again

Now this narrative has become way to dear to me. This expression of life in characters that revolve around me, including my non-dual self ;) will chronicle every aspect of life for the better understanding of direction which i beseech from a smile. i know it can never be lost, not in my 'trying to understand' tour, for i never let it miss a day on me.

Vvasted, Fas-ted, Ned.

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