Friday, June 1, 2007

On Commun (e)-on

The Tempest

Up came my world whirling a bottom-up on itself
For there stood a new man in his determinacy

Forgone were the moments of yesterday, for what beheld today…
Forgone were the moments of today, for the way forward sounds looks serene!

In a furore of conditioned practicality, the imaginative me takes a sharp turn on life, ceasing to be a prisoner of the perpetual, he has moved the process of imagination from his living space to his own personal space. A new aura lingers with joy like moderation that is to last the visionary bubble of soft cool energy, created and suspended with one sole intention…to nurture the descriptive immaclum of his new soul.

A satori is all I seek, just the way Japanese would have sounded this word for an instant awakening, I have associated this word I love the idea of being fixed for a date with a thriving moment of life which may last just a single moment or sometimes, if I am lucky even for days, depending on the sustenance of my own gratitude for the bliss…barely do I interact or do anything out of the ordinary for the fear of loosing it…for just as hard is it.. for me to awaken and bring all my six senses on a perfectly beautiful day to see the wonderful expression of nature in it’s most fascinating colours, the smiles on peoples faces start to beckon me to a new dawn of a soul kind, of an inwardly bliss which is lacking in its way of expressing out for the fear that the overflow may melt the person so much so that I am now to handle this communion with utmost care and make sure the union lasts longer, for now, I am not alone.

Of that I seek, is what I find sometimes in ways totally unexplained to me, an evangelic circuit of positive energy is switched on by the continuum of a nirphikalpa Samadhi that is sending electric impulses right from the time I get out of my bed, or sometimes maybe after a quick afternoon nap, taking me to places I have been to before, from my dreams, if I only knew how significant these placid spheres are and how can they, even in a sense of imagination, can surge me up with so much of energy, and the flow being so evasive in it’s nature and so eccentric in it’s giving, I stand resurrected and empty.

I have many questions, I need many answers…I need to get rid of the habit of only knowing to read between the words now, for in the process, I am dwelling deeper into the depths of the spaces between these words, where lie the immense possibilities of finding varied perceptions of this beautiful life…

Words once spoken, words don’t shy, words jump out of my soul’s pyre…the zest and the burn is on it’s way to consume every single thought and be put down in words to create a regenerative phenomenon of myriad purposes…I wonder!!!

However, as for a clean chit for my daily duties, this is how I had started to write having mixed up my personal space and my personal space that I take with me wherever I go.

Do I have anything to loose? The answer comes just quickly from inside of my head as the question did….Maybe or Maybe not…for this is not a game to play in May. Even the May queen ball is over….what have I been waiting for, a commune in myself and searching for that perfect partner who can light me up further, the pyre is getting intense to engulf my sanity and leave it doubled to it’s assessment of self Improvement and drop it by for another experience of a life time. I Gotttttcha try this one ;)

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