Friday, June 1, 2007

This Differed Realization of Foreclosure

There are many dreams, some are scary and some are not, but quite simply, all of it is my sub-conscious venting out it's inadequacy to the listner-in-sleep.

Sleepy as the staticity is best suiting itself for a better tomorrow. I have been roaming all over searching for happiness, thinking of the infinite possibilities of a totally mixed up interchange of roles, a complete reversal of the channels, a new twist every day. When a gross body like mine and your's can do it every morning, before we even realize, we have shifted roles. The shyam has become sundari already. It's just that for him to realize the fact may take a quick placid moment of realization of the forthcomming, just a moment can determine the shift in the stands, purely on a sub-conscrious level, that, you not only get engrossed with the moment, you even forget that there is a foreclosure. Whoever said live every moment or be the moment, for i don't wan't to miss the revelations. Lest the revelations are anticipatory in the face of a lot of effort put in and just waiting for the right time.

I feel hapless to the inabilities of the conscious which can do everything it pleases to but still cannot please me with a simple glimpse of my beloved. So should i love miConsciouSelf. Should you love my ConsciousSelf. I'd love you to love me for my un-inhibited self. Should you induce it to me, you have to be the enticer. For the charismatic has it's ways and the beautiful just has one. ThySimpleSelf. The motivator of dreams, the foreplay has begun even before i realize, the style is subtle and distinct, the involvement is a complete surrender to the Sun(tan)der, the benevolence is a blessing, the vision is momentary and the message is usually clear. This new love for the Sleeping-Fellowship i wanted to share.

The very tattva of serendepity, the destiny of the slowly dying gullible and the ongoing effort to fill in the missing links is proving to be a visionary delight. Though the task seems daunting and never-ending, the whole process seems so palpable. Righteous says nothing is precious that is perishable, how do i love myself to love you? I rather love you righteous, for you help me make my thoughts on words, which someday may refer me back to our beginning hand-in-hand, as right now i am still trying to know you better, the provocation is way way ahead of my imagination, i need to blind fold you so the intensity stays within, for i do not fear the blinding ;) but i may just get totally engrossed and miss the foreplay.

Differed will be the realization for sure, for i am not to be blamed of my sub-conscious play, i am to be blamed of my own conscious actions. Everyone is responsible for his own conscious actions to his own preferred intentions. For i prefer the wholesome. And in the end there is even the super-conscious. The final authority on me! All Access granted baby! The next thing i know, i could die for this fatal attraction and just not open my eyes for the next day. Rest in unison with the final authority. No matter how far i wander away, i have to keep comming back to you to relive and reveal!

attentive is the thought for now and the day lights are calling, will be back ;)

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