Friday, June 1, 2007

New Horizon

I am an optimist at dawn
I am trying to be an optimist at dusk

The realm of optimism is very intriguing
reality in the face is very beautiful

for long has it waitied to come so close
for long have i ran away from the truth

as i rediscover the nicities of the real
as i diffrentiate the surreal from the beauty
as i disassociate from the conscious to the semi

a long awaited bliss beckons from everywhere!

new approach towards life, a new sense of understanding
where love is the answer and love is the way

i have been devoid of the soma for so long, that now i long to drink
drink every drop of it as i yearn to churn more of this practical grind.

routine is normal routine is boaring, supposedly
all the comfort lies in the routine to me now.

for now i know what is me and how is the world around me
constantly learning and understanding is the fabric of society

i stand every so reminded that all i have to give is indeed
an attempt to get what i would like to receive

as the opportunities in life come knocking, even though not so often
and one nice one yet to strike me yet

i stand confident of not missing it this time, as i am home
i feel home, it is the routine, it is my constant sub in the routine

it is no more the realm of sub conscious in the placid suspension of dreams
it is a conscious effort to be in thie very sub conscious that can be constant

the subtle is no more a co-incidence, the subtle is no more far reached
come inspiration, meet my new buddy, come motivation meet my new friend

a desire reckons my every thought to long for this realm
this realm of opportunity where a suspended animation is a state of motion.

kinesis is reality now and stativity is even more real
this realm of hope, the intensity i must feel.

myraid are the colors of white as my eye becomes a prism for light
colorful are the thoughts as my mind becomes a kaleidoscope thence

the vividness of my imagination constantly adrift
now i know how it feels to know of the rift.

the conflict of the dual is every so haunting that,
to conflict5 or not to conflict is a matter of fact now

to conflict is to face reality
not to conflict is to face reality with a welcome gesture
any which ways, the real has made up her mind
now i must choose to see or be blind.

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