Friday, June 1, 2007

My Morning Blues

My Morning Blues
Happiness or Sadness! What's your day going to be like today! Are you the one who is going to decide it...maybe...provided if you had a good nights sleep without any nightmares

no nightmares...provided you hadn't read the news the previous day or seen any war pictures or the regular attrocities between the hav's and the hav-not's

come sadness, if you have decided to be sad today, thought for no avail to the world, but only to you woes of being such an imbecile, a mute spectator to the world around you without any power to change or influence forget anyone's life, not even your own.

come hapiness..."ignorance is bliss"...some old sayings have to be not living in this world for to be blissful this way. Be blissful in a way to say "I don't care"..come happiness, come bliss, have a pleasant day. but is that what you want.

If it was so easy, how come the greatest have took off in search of happiness and still there seems to be this daunting quest that has a varied perspective from your considerations in life. How do you want to be happy!

I don't want to come happiness consciously because i know the day ahead doesn't have any dangers to come, or any poverty to come, or any malicious conspiracies to come, no enemies to dread, no love to live up to, no heavy expectations of your contributions for the day, as such you are going to fade by the end of the who are you kidding? and i fade like there is no come happiness tomorrow...well dont know than...!

I don't want to come sadness, as sunrise is optimistic, so what is so optimistic about the rise if you are in Antartica...the sun is shining 6 months a year, do you mean you are optimistic all the i wish i was there.

Come sadness, i need to explain my irrational approach towards the people i live and work along, tell them why i need some time before i can take this mundane excuse of a life along with them presuming it to be a smooth ride..."This is life man" "live it, love it, every moment"...yeah sure...if only i knew which moment is pleasing to me and which is to you.

Come space, subtle space, you seem to understand the workings of the world, please tell me oh fellow man, amongst so much confusion and chaos of the morning, how do i bestow peace upon miself just to last the day! For all that i know, this sure is not an addiction to chaos, as i don't seem to understand and like it, for chaos any ways is not understandable, but the commotion is mystifying.

come happiness or sadness now, i have decided to push my luck one more day! only with the hope that time, moments if agreeable to me, go by with divinity knocking in my perceptions, Guide at hand, Avail...Avail.....

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