Friday, June 1, 2007

On Connecting Lines>>>

Over the years of learning responsibilites the way a normal teen would, i had decided to be a rebellion in the face of impossibility and circumstances that would never allow me.

Out of the plain simple factoid-ial heritage of simplicity bestowed by the virtues of a naughty childhood, i guess there was no other way out...and to add to that, i had to have had kept the company of some highly proclaimed trend setters of my time, including me ;) We were proclaimed to be hell raisers for our sheer unacceptability of the around and suggestivity of a new kind in no matter what.

There was a cast away which was to follow that was inevitable in the face of our own disrespect for the ordinary...the world within and around us was confined to new realms of understanding the renditions of people who have inspired generations and kept a constant requirement of change alive,...kept the spirit of youth alive...decade after decade of a rebellion ...that was constantly crushed by the sceptics in their own meaningful explanations of the outwardly and the unnecessary...wherevea they failed to understand or retaliate...for there was no substance in the hollow words and no comparison at all in Their rendetion to this world. But they were in masses for they were the ones interested in sheer numbers.

The revolt kept growing all over the world i m sure ....and around us till we realized it wouldn't take long for us to understand why the outcast and how the outcast actually helped us in looking at the world in a totally different way....a way as the decades of brethern fellowship of outcasts have been writing and singing to the generations captivate themselves and understand that there lies much to this world then sheer leading by set examples of the ordinary and accepting what is thrust upon you....learning to experiment bold thoughts straight from the very captive inspirational imagination triggered minds.

just a moment ago as i wanted to put down all those words from all the people who i think made a mark in their era in their own beautiful ways, i realized what listening to these people have done to me, these were just not ordinary men, or men who had an inclination towards the amuzing belting out of albums after albums of music that redefined the very sould of music,...these were actually phiolosophers of a new kind...who wanted the world to listen to times where all that was told to people to listen to was to others...

noone told noone to listen to themselves anymore...the ones who did, would have realized that their advices are for no good to be given to others lest others are on the same plain of understanding...and wil seperate themselves from the flock and venture out on their own interests...meeting together as common connecting people.

and listening to other connecting people and keeping words unspoken yet understanding each other completely to respect each others space and yet infringe into it as one pleases.

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