Saturday, November 24, 2007

Oblivious Charm

Captive in the might of your compassion
I surrender my obligations mundane

A thought of an expansive kind
Beats all that that my eye can find

The inertia of time and time
make a spontaneous rhythm divine

The splendid of the thoughtful expanse
sometimes wildered by my incomprehensible advance

The loss of consciousness to the space it belongs
The void is noting the emptiness it longs

The expanses of a myriad mind
in its rhetoric of a different kind

Take you to the infinte by thy hand
where the twinkle of your eyes will re define
the expanse of your own mind to an undivided sublime

Stretched by space and painted by time
the haven of bliss, what, you are not even mine?

Behold thy senses and let gratification unbind
the expanse of thought in your forgetful mind.

Relentlessly i pursue the light in my heist...
where stars seek the source right down into your chaste.
Lost in time for a cause, it rekindles...
the expanse of your mind, and all that it finds.

In my own void i look to the skies...
forever there lies the mist of your eyes!

I have been searching in vain the answers to you
the question still remains, how can i make do...
The magic you share with the stars of your guild
forgiveness, be mine forever... until forever is filled.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

AUM - The Sound of Silence.

Manifestation of sound in repetitive beats of scintillating electric showers that permeate the sonic mind and run the impulse loose for a different kind of sensation, a one associated with the very creation of the world.

If this world was created on sounds from the cosmic motor that churns the primal hum of the Omni-echoing Om and the eventual transgression of it from the womb of its void to the vividness of Life around: Than music should becomes the official liberator of the Mind, the Body and the Soul.

The captive uninhibited spectra of colors in a splendid rainbow with its brilliant dispersion... like a stroke of giant paint brush between two equally serene thoughts of an intuitive mind.

In this post i am trying to reason Sound...chain of my thought towards the understanding of sound as a visible spectra mine. A new perspective in understanding the subtle fusion of the primal senses in a subtle realm... setting the stage for a dance show of sorts, a one that digs deeper into my joyful head as a trivial light searching for its befitting enthusiasts who would react to the flow of it's intensity...never loosing its purpose to entice.

My finds of the sub material world: By pushing the limits of mind body n soul in a whirl of reasoning beyond inhibitions...where there lurk no shadows of doubt about its existence and its relation to the insipid world it's trapped in... Immaterial against its own basic form n will...i create and confer my own void to the supremacy of the cosmic churn.

Fortunately the showering lifetronic forces that fuel the soul are not bound in any form or shape, always regulating a smooth flow for the swirl of thoughtlessness.. every time there is an accord struck between the Mind, Body & Soul.

I Tried to imagine it. Listening to the shape of the repetitive beat of my spirit in motion, a body subjected to the magnetic pull of its sounds that create pockets of energy that start releasing physical emissions of a sway kind and a mind ecstatic in the thought of it all :) The Sonic equilibrium Trinity.

The colors heard thence...relate such inertia of the quiet that words create and express themselves in the influence and tell its tale in designs that let go of the deepest kept inhibitions of my inner self.... the spectra merging as one and entwining with each other creating a very bright light that tunnels in and out of the whirling me...creating a multi dimensional field of neon effervescences that senses reel from the whirl and feel one with the void yonder, from where came the hum of the cosmic motor churning the omni felt AUM.

Effects of the Whirl'd-around Me ;)

Sunday, July 15, 2007

My MIssing Sense Co-ordinates

A Zen perspective to new ways of love.

Oh faculty of my holding co-ordinates, do show mercy on thy captive lest your psychic chalice beckoned more love then you can imagine!

Joriki: My new subliminal mind filter for everything beyond Love.

The Illustrious Oracle!

A spark of enthusiasm, a lust of eternity
A flow of a placid fraternity
this oracle, this queen...the beauty of her skin
the touch of her lips...the shadow, the wink!

a dark allure from within the tempest
that whirls the frills in a a glorious arc
the splendid of her motion, in a grace of its azure
the wave of her body, in an elegant suspension.

she wake from the darkness of her own desire
to reign a thud of her new sapphire
studded in a crown of rich somber
the dream-weaver picks the ring of amber.

the swirl of her hair from a cluster to a spread
sweeping all in animation to a drop dead amaze
with her eyes wide shut and her glory awaken
the reign of darkness has just been broken.

the satire on her lips has spelled her desire
a whisper in the wind has broken the silence
she turns to open her eyes...
to find an unexpected surprise!

Around the corners of her misty blue eyes
the eclipse of her mica, lashing a smile
mischief and disbelief fascinating in her face.

everything around, except her now behold,
to the rein of the awaken beauty's threshold.
from yonder she beckons a steamy glaze
the sheen on her face can send a killer ablaze.

springing from lilies behind, doused in quick silver
the wind blows from either side of the throne
startling the animation of the oracle alone.

for a new chain of luster...
the air so chill coming from high up in the mills...
the queen pulls the the pearls in her swing.

running her hand in an awakening ark...
the beads of pearl fall comfortably into the gravity's lull
the reflex in her eyes.

as each of her bead of desire bounces radiatively off her body
exposing her naked body from the gaps in her frilly azure

the sound of a harp falls sharp on her ears
the Dream-weaver is back to help let go of her fears

like a woman in just fine-twine
the queen sparks open her sexual divine

precarious in their acts of falling
the pearls of luster spread all over the floor

this form of elegance has set her breathless charm
in the winds of chill, that again set her feet off the ground.

exhaustive of the motion from an awe-inspiring bolt
she drops her hands in a falling gesture...

her hands and legs taking all the frills off her body
a split or satin runs through her totally suspended abode
a single strand of pearls now lay from her neck too low
an invisible pull in the air draws her closer to the glow

a voice steals out of her broken emotion
she rest her head back in complete provocation.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Right Lo(b,v)e

They say, if one has had a physical relationship with someone, his mind is psychically connected to this person for a period of 15 years. Isn't that quite amazing. I would never believe in one night stands anymore. But it is only true again, if you are at least using an above average 3% of your brains capacity. Or all my one night stands would keep coming back to me on regular intervals of psychic callings, lol. Not that i do not try, its just that, i really don't know how much % of my brain capacity is being used when my heart is at work. An irony, but is true. The severed heart/head connection. Or maybe one needs to rightfully elevate himself to a certain point beyond which it truly doesn't matter, love is seeming oozing from his heart and his head. This thought pattern will perform a role reversal as i start giving more of my heart to the logic in life and more of my head to the feelings that surround.... Till than, in total appreciation of the behavioral contra-diction.

Now the last time i had done a questionnaire to identify if i am a left hemisphere or a right hemisphere dominant person....i was a left lobe as i am a right lobe guy.

btw...our brain has two hemispheres...a left lobe and a right lobe....the left lobe supposedly controls the right side of the body and the right lobe controls the left side of the body. The right lobe/ left body is the female in you and the corresponds to all the emotions and feelings one needs to give to life and the left lobe/right body is the male in you and is responsible for the logic and analytics and the math one needs to give to life. So undoubtedly a perfect person would be a person with well balanced emotions and intelligence, basically a centrally hemisphered guy.

Now i have become a right brain man, at least as per the recent questionnaire that i took..a man who'd give more emotions to a situation rather then logic...and taking also the heart/ head severed connection as i wrote earlier on this post..where it truly doesn't matter how i am approaching things in life, as my heart & head differ their principle functionalities and have taken a role knowing the fact that my head is in love and ma heart is thinking makes me an happily unbalanced man.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Heather, To

Hitherto, I have been living in a society that marks total insolvency of liberal thoughts to be expressed in the social fabric of its glad residents. A little of three years of Qatar has allowed me catch glimpses of beauty in day to day life in such a fashion that now i understand that i was indeed taking beauty for granted too.

Alas, i wonder what else lies in store for me to understand, of the list of things, that i could have taken for granted. Grass i took for granted for sure, rains, sludge walking, fresh flowers, bench warming / pillow talking with women ;), home made food...and the other things that are not listed in here, are also the ones i totally freaked out on or even abused to a certain extent..for example, biking, driving, love, lust, friends, Character, faith, reason, belief, democracy, politics, self motivation, etc. This extensive abuse of the latter also comes as a list of few things i miss today.

Wait...up! Spite!... of the gist i mist today, i have found a way of compensating the void created due to these mist'lings, by budding with life in very strange ways. For instance, the society has absolute monarchy on expression of thoughts in ways rather unfamiliar to its people still...whatever happened to colors, reds, blues, all the indigo colors on clothes, t-shirts with determination syntax's or self proclaimed bull****, or new generation body language (the middle finger), the art of graffiti, pictures of youth rebels, attitude, bumper car stickers, weird accessories on vehicles, freedom of expression through non verbal infiltration. There we go...another list of a few more things whose absence i have started to observe, and hence the attention!

Now, getting back to the strange take on life, budding after all the mist' comes the mother of all...the language barrier. Though the beauty of multi ethnicity beckons a beam of new learning from cultures across the pan arab countries, there are striking differences in languages and cultures as such, a good note for someone who speaks the local tongue. For others who do not speak the tongue, its the grace of non verbal talking, which is pretty much in admiration of beauty of cultures in its physical form and of its people in their display of respective ethnic persona.

Beautiful people, from the inside...from the outside,...looking through the veils of suspended fabric, a glance of glory for the mutually loving personality godhead unionist. Vibes so ethnic in their roots, yet so well matched towards the sophistication of the comfort living, welcome to the art of seekers keepers!

Beauty lies in the eye of the Beholder! True...very true, but the intensity with which the beholder is seeking this beauty depends on what interesting thoughts our seekers perceives of beauty. I am very indigenous in vibes if not auras yet, to already tell the interesting thought in the mind that got instigated and took off as a physical indulgence of locks. Grabbed a few inferences with some amazingly beautiful people, who remind me of this new found interest of reading the beautiful thought before seeing them come through beautiful eyes. An anticipated visionary with out any sonic interferences...

Mind reading is the thing of the past now, one does not rely on ones ability to read a persons thoughts, instead...its a new wave. The seeker says: 'How beautiful of you to have thought what i wanted you to think..., how would you like me to see through you, or would you rather i hear you out.'

A little provocative in nature, our seeker is well (Al)armed on every pulse of the beauty's beholding vibes. A step further could be an intense advancement of the insides, that no words ever be spoken before at least a single physical indication of conformation of mutual presence in the sphere of love.

Call it infatuation or call it love at first sight, the fact remains that even before a physical sigh of attraction was released into the thin air of compassion, the thought already had made love with the beauty it was seeking and had found. The deliverance of love or lust does not hold any importance as yet, for the unspoken is yet to unleash its love in verbal petals of anticipation of the beauty already appreciated by our seeker.

And now, if our seeker is spell bound with beauty...lets not blame his love for the (need not necessarily be speaking) ever so significant Heather.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Mushroom Soup for Mind

Today i not only feel different,but i also see differently, see through the eyes of a backbencher, totally lost in his own world, irrespective and uninterested in the unfolding saga that the rest of my compatriots are so diligently participative about. For the path i walk needs me to get a view of things at the last thought point, a point from where, if only asked for, can someone as passive as me can relate his words to, for the process of watching and listening and learning for me only stops when i am interrupted. My wanderings may be way beyond the saga of life, but my involvement in things are just as deep as a lion watching its prey with the attention and detail and measuring his distance from the situation where it will be soon the dominant pilot, or responsible for having called exert his prominence.

An amateur learner, an enthusiastic observer and a keen doer of the routine. With virtues like these, which are out of the ordinary for the thinker, are responsible for the thoughful to live a life with persistent deliverance of his duties while still being able to be on the back bench. A passive state of mind, or a passive personality, as a good friend had told me recently, i was not taken back by her comments, as i during my course of learning life, have pondered upon situations, which have allowed me to take total control of things by sheer nature of love and the level of excitement and enthusiasm that comes naturally from within me. But the passiveness has stuck with me for since i have decided to be a keep observer and a person who likes to listen to watch more than be in the forefront of action.This has started to give me a lot of time to do a recall on if a situation had been called for by me from recent times. i no more seem to be interested in the falling of situations in place for me to understand, all i seem to be interested in is how accurately have i predicted the comming of a situation. The clairvoyant eye is looking for signs of comfirmances and the real eye is giving glances of presence with the around, knowing the importance of mutual visionary science. We see together on a situation, we may see two different perspectives. An optimist and a pessimist. A believer and an alchemist, a mystic and a scientific, a futuristic and a retrograde, a leader and a follower, a rebel and a contemporary. Never thought just two people can be so much fun...just one situation can teach you so much.

A human mind is a conceiver of all his deeds, and his non dominant palm shows the destiny he was born with and his dominant palm shows the way he has taken his destiny and his course of action all along to do what he has done to be what he is at any stage in life. These signs are electro magnetic lines created by the brain on the palm and can tell much about a persons past, his present and his future life. A mindful gist to sum up the less than 10% of bran that an average human uses to get through life with ease. Pretty brainy aih! The hand thus becomes very important for a person to shape his own luck. Everybody's destiny lies in his own hands, as long as he is a believer in it. Otherwise its the alchemists head. I am a mix of both, and still passive, can you believe that!

My fascination of holding hands has led my new interest to stages and phases where, now i can even hold a persons hands, and by feeling the temperature and softness of their hands, can tell what behold for them in the near and distant future. The time lines are so clearly marked on a persons hands that some facts are hard to miss, yet there are some hands that i have seen that totally beat the odds of cheiromancy. Thre is one such hand i have recently seen, it was of a lady, she was 40 years old, and her life line was cut in half and discontinued for her to be living at the age she was living. I still have not concluded on this instance with any of my reference from various knowledge sources as to how this is possible. This is where i understood that no matter how much you learn from texts, on practical applications,there are a lot more exceptions that one can think of. Now its just these exceptions that interest me. I want to meet people who are exceptionally something. A last of their own breed. People with genuine takes on life. Who are bent on exploring the world around them in their own style. Every time i hold a hand of such a special person, the contagion of his warmth readily travels through my body to tell me so much about the person without have to have spoken a word...not that i am that good at just picking hands without a word, but its really not that tough. In fact, nothing is tough as long as the going is on admirable basis only ;)

So this whole thing about the mind, and feeding it with thoughts of admiration and of people who are exceptional somethings, has been keeping me busy all through my times in silent contemplations...i do not find myself bored anymore. At least not as easily as i used to be earlier. The mind garden of carefully selected and well tended roses has made its home with me, the essence of which devours my senses 24/7.

They say, if one has had a physical relationship with someone, his mind is psychically connected to this person for a period of 15 years. Isn't that quite amazing. I would never believe in one night stands anymore. But it is only true again, if you are at least using an above average 3% of your brains capacity. Or all my one night stands would keep comming back to me on regular intervals of psychic callings, lol. Not that i do not try, its just that, i really dont know how much % of my brain capacity is being used when my heart is at work. An irony, but is true. The severed heart/head connection. Or maybe one needs to rightfully elevate himself to a certain point beyond which it truly doesn't matter, love is seeming oozing from his heart and his head. This thought pattern will perform a role reversal as i start giving more of my heart to the logic in life and more of my head to the feelings that surround.... Till than, in total appreciation of the behaviorial contra-diction.

Friday, June 1, 2007

On Understanding Itself...

This blog is totally dedicated to my perception of the fathomable LIFE!

Grass is important, Grass grows everywhere, Grass is the most simplest of the things and the most common too, Grass makes a dry land look like a pleasant delight to the eyes, it invites people to get earthed with cushion, protecting it from the harsh terrain of the earth, grass elicits dignity in simplicity to me.

Of the other things that need to be given it's due share of importance are the sun, Water, Soil, Seeds, mother, animals, human body, respect for others, innocence, virtue of truth, ideas, imagination, dreams, one's heart, books, cultures, history, virtue of peace and one's own soul.

The journey from Grass to soul is an ardent journey of man from a single cellular cell to a complex living being with emotions, with distractions, with peace, with love, with evolution to be the dominant creature created ever, and with a plausible sense of understanding of his metamorphosis.

Today, the present date, as i write this blog, is today, because of a chain of events that are totally out of control of anybody and are well guided by the very charm of nature in a relentless process seemingly inexhaustible to man. Thus today, as i think before i write, i think of yesterday when the idea of writing this was conceived, the flow had to be totally dependent on the fluctuating ways of the mind, not a bit under my control as i please. So i let the nature of it run wild and deep.

Appreciable to it's grace on me now, i think of the future, the future again is going to be from the chain of events of yesterday and today, the idea conceived to the flow of my mind to put it down to when i will realize the completion of this chain by another thought that would be beyond and over this subject in writing.

Now the subject in writing for me today is nothing but to see if my fingers are in control of the mind or if my mind is in control of the fingers, if there is any sort of coordination what so ever with what i think and what i want to see.

I see today as history already, for this very moment when is say it, i am going to read it the next moment as past. So if this rhythm is what keeps nature going, i can imagine how relentless and precise as it is, is nature in working out a schedule so grand. A moment after another, a Second after another, a minute after another, a day after another, an year after another, a life after an another, a generation after another, a decade after another, a century after another, a millennia after another, it is mind blowing to what fathomable levels a mind can go only if given the right sort of training and understanding of the life's repertoire of events. What is at one moment is not the other.

I belong to the group of people under the sign Sagittarius, the most philosophical of all the signs, and the most flirt y too. People under this sign have been blessed with a keen sense of observing things from the inside out. A single introspection or a why can lead to a chain of thoughts beyond our perceivable sense of imagination.

A moment to another, a thought to another, the facade of mind field swiftly moves to what my next thought is going to look like. This intensity of imagination in the material norms of a conceptual mind holds one's thought to take a good look at the world around and to proceed in this constantly changing placid field with greater ease.

So all my writings are a good mix of the reality and the way i would like to perceive it. A good coincidence comes handy to confirm my flow with things around. And it comes in different forms, it's just that now i am so used to having them that deja vu's don't make sense anymore.

A state of mind where i have had this symposium with the inside and the outside of the me, let's me to tell coincidences to come as and when i want. What i seek is true to it's nature of my understanding to it. What i have read is not going to be wasted without me having to find out if it is accountable for a situation if i want to create it.

Is that how well i know myself, i don't know, but that's another coincidence. I think i do.

The television air's everything that is new in this world, everything being thought about people from my generation, they are willing to explore every possible leeway to get ahead in spreading their thoughts. The no of channels through which one can express his thoughts is pretty amazing considering the fact that our Pineal glands have become the size of an peanut from what they used to be, the size of a ping-pong ball at least.

You may ask me what does A Pineal glad has to do with the different channels of communication, well. it’s simple, earlier when man was more evolved than he is today (today, if you take his cell phone, his laptop, his Car, his credit cards, his i-mate's, his i-pod's, his stimulants, his tech.savy image) and leave him wandering in a city full of such devoid people, he may die of the want of things taken away from him rather than try to understand that evolution can be reversed for good if a collective went praying for the better of the worse.

So, this pineal gland, as i have read, was an important part of the brain, and was responsible for clairvoyance, telepathy and all the psychic normal behavior exhibited by learned men back in the days of no telephony.

The dependence of man upon his own inventions makes me wonder (as i read, has not done no good to us), why were these inventions sprouting out of the human minds after all. They sure were sprouting for the want of it or the need of it, or maybe for the complete communal want of something that they have been shown and have been made to read.

A guiding force, or rather a misguiding force is in complete control of certain channels that are leading this lovely civilization towards and absolute anarchy by technology dependence. This is not my version of a conspiracy theory, this is what i understand from what i see, and i am a part of this confused lot.

I seek answers to certain things, for which, even though i find the answers, may not be able to do anything but ponder upon the massive force and it's evil mindedness.

The good will out number the bad and the bad will out number the good, and there will be an end to this world, Hello...who has time to think about all this, for one i thing i know for sure, that's not going to come to an end by the time i am buried in the hatchet. So my contribution to this world will be this blog, which one day will become a part of a book that i would write, and exclusively ask for any one of the pages to be read before i am laid in peace. Not for the fear that i should not go unheard, that way i have a lot of time in life to do what the wise men did, but that relentless pursuit towards life will devoid me of my socio-financio-mutually- admirable stance with my fellow worldies.

I would want at least a page of this book to be read just for the reason that, i can remember, i tried to live life every moment, in it's abstractness, in it's multitudinous, in it's beauty, in it's charm, and i created moments as i was living them, to relish them as they became past every passing second.

A chain reaction takes place and a thought takes over another, a seed takes over a tree, a grass blade heads another inch up towards the sun, a man heads another step towards his own liberation. Hears his own experience through his words before that final step and feels blessed.

Spare me the guilt, spare me the contradictions, spare me the regular mundane looking down upon people as thought they are scum and totally mesmerized by one's own achievement’s and one's own desire for a life full filling to the core, but with the virtue or vice of additionalities invented out of sheer communal misguided future relying totally on the unmeasured un-equilibrated thought pool of the material dwelling society.

The daunt of my own incapability to contribute right away without having all the time i need to first get to a state from where i can think about it, is really taking up all my thinking time, and in this time i have started to dwell on silence, and in this silence i hear everything that i want to hear, everything i want to see, every dream that would want to come's all's a process that i start off defining as my incapability and continue stating as the very reason why i don't want to be dependent merely on medium totally created out of imagination of geniuses to substitute this very golden silence.

A day dreamer by noon, a placid dreamer by the night, now i distinguish colors so well with my inner vision that i could tell the dreams are not in black and white.
I saw golden last night as my face wash flashing in my head to break the solitude sleep grants, that's when i realize it's time to get up and found that my alarm did not go for i did not set it the previous night. My face wash is Blue.

I have not seen blue yet in my dreams, the very fact the placid relates to blue, and dreams relate to the sub-conscious and the super-conscious me, i will be looking forward to a more deeper insight into the workings of my mind, face wash or no face wash.

I am sure it's too late from where i am starting, but i am not apprehensive about the path i am going to take, for, my research suggests that a balance has already been struck with me and my people, i am accepted the way i am no matter where i go, for i mean no harm to no one and can talk my heart and mind out at any given situation depending on what the situation demands.

The natural me is striving to go further from this point and explore the immense possibilities of a human mind and unleash my unspoken into the unknown and wait for an echo to come back to me saying...You were right after all...come thence further have already there is no looking already hear this echo and it is the next moment that you won't. But you have spoken your wish...and your wish has to be but granted for your next step is ready to launch another assault to your seemingly subdued ego in it's due course of expanding the horizon to a continuous blank sheet of bright white spread to the point of no return and you stand holding a brush like you hold a new born baby in your hand, careful not to mishandle it and at the same time seamlessly jubilant and overflowing with joy watching it perceive the world around it as new as it can be....

Splurge the paint with my baby-holding grip on the brush, on this white stretch of unknown, unseen continuum of peace and serenity, with imagination like a bird on a wing, soaring a trajectory of zero gravity and suspending the paint as drops of pearls in it's own luster of animation and then dropping with splashes bigger then their conceived forms, leaving a beautiful trail of everlasting effervescence disappearing in the same trajectory of zero gravity as thought they hit a wall of clear glass.

This past hour, all the thoughts that have come to my mind with some spare distractions to the mundane work, i have penned down as an ongoing experience with learning to love life in every minute detail of it's expression.

I really wish i have more undisturbed hours like this one! But than i will have to reduce my pace of work or await thunderbolts to get the place go down crashing except my

My HopelessNest

My HopelessNest

The realm of under-stand is a broader avenue to the hearts and minds of my fellow middle men, the not so ordinary and the not so extra ordinary.

Today i write this blog with a genuine interest in relating to my own self the innumerable ways by which one can connect to his own middle self, the conscious one with a sheer heart of meditative count...a pulse of intense but loose flow of the loveons, impulses of the intermediary kind, dedication of a knowledge seeker, vision of a fundamentalist, and with the spirit of a soaring non-hierarchial self grounded bliss inducted person.

In this search for the sublime spot light, my middle man is in constant inter action with the tumultuous thoughts wavering through the web of the indigenous community, trying to grasp what is it that makes this mundane but down to reality innumerablia what it is. The fight to differentiate myself from the contemporary will last for as long as i will remain myself, but the add-ons to myself with options of flexibility towards the bow-somic cosmo-politia are numbered so few in their initiatives that an amateur gardner regarded a desert rose hard to find.But then this very gardner grew it of his sheer imaginative tendencies for a mirage in a desert is a commonly occuring phenomena and it is indeed all about the excepted norms.

The fight differentiation ends with myself as much natural as myself.

In it's own sense gratification and of the good world and of the samartan civilization, i am in a melange irrevocable and insensitive to my natural if this is good and against my forced will to accept the way things are around me and label them as right or wrong as per the thoughts of the i come to you as a man with thoughtful inclination towards you and me. Towards us of which i am but a step one closer to you.

Hold my hand and show me how we are going to work this burden out together, for i am lost without the fear of the end. If this is the end to a usual me in pursuit of the unknown and the extra ordinary..than i am lying in wait for the extra ordinary to come to me this time around. The sense gratification is in the common and mutual interest of my contribution to the new world order, lest i start fearing the end again.

After my vacation last year to India, i have acquired this responsibile me so carelessly that, carelessness and hopelessness are the new and improved me. Or rather the new ingridients of a better me.

This new way of being accepted is acceptable to me, and seems like it is to others too...i have forgotten all my mono-logical interests with a fine morning that brought so much light throught the window that, i realized i am back in the land where the sun shines all the time.

This is the after effect of a non-illuminati experience laced with a lot of travel and learnings from people so innocent and self-involved, they have given up on the thoughts of bring about a change of any contributory manner. My peace rests with them and I belong myself one more time to the bossom of destiny with no intention what so ever to the time and space distribution. It's these people who i met and from who i understood that life is not but one puzzle that can only be solved with patience and lots of food ;)

Of imminence to these people i enthrust my distant their simplicity i ensure my continued learnings, to their love i agree equivocally with all my genre differences and inner cultural similarities.

For who behold me from them now, as who behold them from telling me now...To who beholds who anymore now... for i am feeling totally hopeless.

Fathom Devor

Aced with the studded count of fatom devour, i am in the top but one stop of the new anarchy of mutual adherence to simplicity through garnered common interests. The distance to travel is unmassable by sheer visibility of the common goals...but interests beyond the event horizon of the farthest kind.

Is the new learn curve up the social ladder for a person comming for an absolute civilization of the youth..the transformation seems sweet in it's essence of submitting to me the generation shift of a new marquee already...The definion and mode of this shiwf as applied by the new man will stand an exemplified perseverance towards the very count life.

Enticed by the charm transition of the world formation..that is...a new world around the world that i have more understanding and learning from, this cultural amalgamation, this very rhetoric, this sense persistance towards the melange of the new and the taking all my peace for a better living...and in the wake of a spontaneous culmination of varied thoughts comming from a versatile era of awe inspiring self acclaimed personality god-heads, i would like to stream all the vesions of this count life in one straight chain of non-mechanical or rather a more vivid experience of the unknown.

Regardful of the delighful, sensitive of the communal and an expotent of the utilitarian, the nu breed so to say is all-in to set marks of a new bench kind..the one that advises a complete make over of the mark itself...a new transformation to the readiness of a propulsion..that will expell the scientific and the religious to a new fatom of deliverance through their own sheer will of new promoters of life...countless in their numbers and innumerous in their own specif approaches towards the live and jive conceptual up roar...we will head the revolution of finding neverland shangri-la or the new eutopia right from within our realms of dexterity, callous affinity, apetite for joy and the devour itself-ivity.

The Repertoire

I blog this dedication to all the anomalies of subsequent unlearnings.

The backdrop is life again, for what else is there to understand than the very existence of presence... presence of existence.

No matter how well I understand this everyday struggle to unification with the multitude forces that seem to be influencing my way of life, decision making abilities, 5 sensular affections, multi dimensional chaos and it's order, all the visible indicators of absolute anarchy so much in tune to distract you from your day to day emancipation. The sheer game of life at it's synchrony with one's worst i haven't even taken life as it comes, for now , that sure needs some determination and single spirit vision. No, i am not talking about MPD's or spontaneous combustions yet....just plain simple single spirit wanting moi.

Make a wish...but beware what you wish for, for lately the chain of coincidences have a total control over my understanding. Or rather, my understandings of anything standing...incessantly relating to the sub-conscious chain...the chain within the chain...the understanding within the understanding...a perception within another perception...a point in a point...a little bit of this..and a little bit of that...all seem to be tearing my mind in such blissful fashion of an in depth dive, that now i just want to rest in the static/kinetic divide.

How do i conjure this pleasant gift without being do i work up to be gifted...or maybe i just need inspiration to define the understanding which is already on it's can i complete something that i have started, still not knowing if it is started after all...

the perception is edgy, the perception is quick, the smouldering is so irresistible, so ravenous...that today's emancipation may have no way out but to burn...burn every day, and there is nothing left of much to a clear understanding of my stand on life and it's multi-stimulatory design...for the first time i want to straight into the core...a dash...that may just not be a - up to may just become the big ------- to liberation.

With so many gaps yet left unfilled, the process is leading up to me as if it were to reveal to me the divides from the divide not's, the visionary from the multi-visionary...perceptive off course, the strides to the multiple the fill in the voids, to the non-voids, the sensational marquee full of colours, the colours scintillating to the sound of the inner divine...the dance...i(r)onic...for the next moment, there is no space left for Irony...the spaces are to befitting and self centric to it's very nature of being...

I need a walk to be able to run again...need to run to be able to dash again...need to dash to be able to crash crash to be able to get up get up again..never to look back ever on the myriad benevolence that pushed me away from itself for a wild crash into the seemingly unknown.

Now i hold no fear to falling...hold nothing dear that keeps calling...if there is absolutely nothing that i have learnt from my past, it is because i have learned what i wish to keep Dear and Unlearned the rest.

Sacred Elegance

Consecrated beauty with elegant locks, what is this, a dead-lock with beauty.
The spirited body and it's mindful soul is on a voyage of identity with elegance again. Is there an inspiration to beauty that beauty would like to look at and shy upon, herself.

Precarious to the imaginative self, i ponder again on the new horizon of defined interests. So well versed in it's own spectacle, the libertine looks up to another era of definitude. Caressing the ligering moments of your pristine presence, the hopeless is again mesmerized by your chalice.

Poised is the state of bliss, a little hiss, and another miss...

Sang Meandrings

The inside world is tumultuous to the ceaseless virtues of a carouse.

The spirit wants a sang-erine tempest to rise up to the point of liberation. The communal is subdued though…for it is a anti utilitarian crisis ;)

In a sudden rush of adam-ant tendencies, the Eve-ning is attentive to the juxtaposition of the illusionary. The truthful adam-ant reprobate is submissive in his own retrograde.

There is a new h(Y)mmm OU…and than there is a new U2, …meandering in the far edges of the vivid fields of scintillating sonic acoustics that permeate all the reciprocities of your loved fraternity… like a subliminal dance of transcendence.

The eva-nescence has left empty spaces in the void and this merciless spree has defined the extremities a little beyond my apprehensible re-cognitive suspended animation. The state of trans-utterance is now.., a progressive twin to the destiny of it’s surrendered flow of inhibition to your state of steadfast x-citation.

The determinacy of V (A) –ogue is inevitable to the inspiration of the new sang influx that has laced the thoughtful by its reasons of soulful serenity


Jab kabhi tare toot te hoge
jab kabhi asmaan se roshini prakashit hoti hogi

har saans ki leh badalte hogi
har dhadkan ke uljhan machalti hoti

khayal se bhi paar, aise hai abhi vichar
ke chu kar tumko yeah roshini ho jaye ek chamatkaar

madh hosh ho uthe madhoshi khud
dekhkar yeah nai nai subha

shayad ek sunehri raat thee woh...
jisne diya ek tamannae pehlu..

intezaar mein jiske...
ham rehgayee bekaboo

Method Man on a flying stomp!!!

Method man on a Flying Stomp!

Somebody get the earth off my feet...
Somebody get the sky over my head!

An absolute turn around of space and time...
Wondering what it would be like to stay alive...

Getting pulled apart with my feet still grounded
My mind is flying my soul surrounded...

Extreme is the word and i feel it in me now,
i feel so real...i feel so free now.

the rhythm of beauty and the harmonious incidence
i think of everything without any diligence.

off the qualms of my gravity central...
a piece of me is waiting to be ethereal.

a wishful thought of great prominence
is it possible to stay without your evanesence

torn in my struggle to escape your spell
i thought hell was only when gravity would compel.

i feel my feet so strong on the ground
my head is equivocal to the plan i profound

the virtual flight is just in my head
how do i separate the land from my shed

Bedazzled i pay a tribute to my muse...
I will after all leave a piece to your amuse

On Imagination!!!

On Imagination!!!
This blog is totally dedicated to my perception of the fathomable LIFE!

Grass is important, Grass grows everywhere, Grass is the most simplest of the things and the most common too, Grass makes a dry land look like a pleasant delight to the eyes, it invites people to get earthed with cushion, protecting it from the harsh terrain of the earth, grass elicits dignity in simplicity to me.

Of the other things that need to be given it's due share of importance are the sun, Water, Soil, Seeds, mother, animals, human body, respect for others, innocence, virtue of truth, ideas, imagination, dreams, one's heart, books, cultures, history, virtue of peace and one's own soul.

The journey from Grass to soul is an ardent journey of man from a single cellular cell to a complex living being with emotions, with distractions, with peace, with love, with evolution to be the dominant creature created ever, and with a plausible sense of understanding of his metamorphosis.

Today, the present date, as i write this blog, is today, because of a chain of events that are totally out of control of anybody and are well guided by the very charm of nature in a relentless process seemingly inexhaustible to man. Thus today, as i think before i write, i think of yesterday when the idea of writing this was conceived, the flow had to be totally dependent on the fluctuating ways of the mind, not a bit under my control as i please. So i let the nature of it run wild and deep.

Appreciable to it's grace on me now, i think of the future, the future again is going to be from the chain of events of yesterday and today, the idea conceived to the flow of my mind to put it down to when i will realize the completion of this chain by another thought that would be beyond and over this subject in writing.

Now the subject in writing for me today is nothing but to see if my fingers are in control of the mind or if my mind is in control of the fingers, if there is any sort of coordination what so ever with what i think and what i want to see.

I see today as history already, for this very moment when is say it, i am going to read it the next moment as past. So if this rhythm is what keeps nature going, i can imagine how relentless and precise as it is, is nature in working out a schedule so grand. A moment after another, a Second after another, a minute after another, a day after another, an year after another, a life after an another, a generation after another, a decade after another, a century after another, a millennia after another , it is mind blowing to what fathomable levels a mind can go only if given the right sort of training and understanding of the life's repertoire of events. What is at one moment is not the other.

I belong to the group of people under the sign Sagittarius, the most philosophical of all the signs, and the most flirt y too. People under this sign have been blessed with a keen sense of observing things from the inside out. A single introspection or a why can lead to a chain of thoughts beyond our perceivable sense of imagination.

A moment to another, a thought to another, the facade of mind field swiftly moves to what my next thought is going to look like. This intensity of imagination in the material norms of a conceptual mind holds one's thought to take a good look at the world around and to proceed in this constantly changing placid field with greater ease.

So all my writings are a good mix of the reality and the way i would like to perceive it. A good coincidence comes handy to confirm my flow with things around. And it comes in different forms, it's just that now i am so used to having them that deja vu's don't make sense anymore.

A state of mind where i have had this symposium with the inside and the outside of the me, let's me to tell coincidences to come as and when i want. What i seek is true to it's nature of my understanding to it. What i have read is not going to be wasted without me having to find out if it is accountable for a situation if i want to create it.

Is that how well i know myself, i don't know, but that's another coincidence. I think i do.

The television air's everything that is new in this world, everything being thought about people from my generation, they are willing to explore every possible leeway to get ahead in spreading their thoughts. The no of channels through which one can express his thoughts is pretty amazing considering the fact that our Pineal glands have become the size of an peanut from what they used to be, the size of a ping-pong ball at least.

You may ask me what does A Pineal glad has to do with the different channels of communication, well. it’s simple, earlier when man was more evolved than he is today (today, if you take his cell phone, his laptop, his Car, his credit cards, his i-mate's, his i-pod's, his stimulants, his tech.savy image) and leave him wandering in a city full of such devoid people, he may die of the want of things taken away from him rather than try to understand that evolution can be reversed for good if a collective went praying for the better of the worse.

So, this pineal gland, as i have read, was an important part of the brain, and was responsible for clairvoyance, telepathy and all the psychic normal behavior exhibited by learned men back in the days of no telephony.

The dependence of man upon his own inventions makes me wonder (as i read, has not done no good to us), why were these inventions sprouting out of the human minds after all. They sure were sprouting for the want of it or the need of it, or maybe for the complete communal want of something that they have been shown and have been made to read.

A guiding force, or rather a misguiding force is in complete control of certain channels that are leading this lovely civilization towards and absolute anarchy by technology dependence. This is not my version of a conspiracy theory, this is what i understand from what i see, and i am a part of this confused lot.

I seek answers to certain things, for which, even though i find the answers, may not be able to do anything but ponder upon the massive force and it's evil mindedness.

The good will out number the bad and the bad will out number the good, and there will be an end to this world, Hello...who has time to think about all this, for one i thing i know for sure, that's not going to come to an end by the time i am buried in the hatchet. So my contribution to this world will be this blog, which one day will become a part of a book that i would write, and exclusively ask for any one of the pages to be read before i am laid in peace. Not for the fear that i should not go unheard, that way i have a lot of time in life to do what the wise men did, but that relentless pursuit towards life will devoid me of my socio-financio-mutually- admirable stance with my fellow worldies.

I would want at least a page of this book to be read just for the reason that, i can remember, i tried to live life every moment, in it's abstractness, in it's multitudinous, in it's beauty, in it's charm, and i created moments as i was living them, to relish them as they became past every passing second.

A chain reaction takes place and a thought takes over another, a seed takes over a tree, a grass blade heads another inch up towards the sun, a man heads another step towards his own liberation. Hears his own experience through his words before that final step and feels blessed.

Spare me the guilt, spare me the contradictions, spare me the regular mundane looking down upon people as thought they are scum and totally mesmerized by one's own achievement’s and one's own desire for a life full filling to the core, but with the virtue or vice of additionalities invented out of sheer communal misguided future relying totally on the unmeasured un-equilibrated thought pool of the material dwelling society.

The daunt of my own incapability to contribute right away without having all the time i need to first get to a state from where i can think about it, is really taking up all my thinking time, and in this time i have started to dwell on silence, and in this silence i hear everything that i want to hear, everything i want to see, every dream that would want to come's all's a process that i start off defining as my incapability and continue stating as the very reason why i don't want to be dependent merely on medium totally created out of imagination of geniuses to substitute this very golden silence.

A day dreamer by noon, a placid dreamer by the night, now i distinguish colors so well with my inner vision that i could tell the dreams are not in black and white.
I saw golden last night as my face wash flashing in my head to break the solitude sleep grants, that's when i realize it's time to get up and found that my alarm did not go for i did not set it the previous night. My face wash is Blue.

I have not seen blue yet in my dreams, the very fact the placid relates to blue, and dreams relate to the sub-conscious and the super-conscious me, i will be looking forward to a more deeper insight into the workings of my mind, face wash or no face wash.

I am sure it's too late from where i am starting, but i am not apprehensive about the path i am going to take, for, my research suggests that a balance has already been struck with me and my people, i am accepted the way i am no matter where i go, for i mean no harm to no one and can talk my heart and mind out at any given situation depending on what the situation demands.

The natural me is striving to go further from this point and explore the immense possibilities of a human mind and unleash my unspoken into the unknown and wait for an echo to come back to me saying...You were right after all...come thence further have already there is no looking already hear this echo and it is the next moment that you won't. But you have spoken your wish...and your wish has to be but granted for your next step is ready to launch another assault to your seemingly subdued ego in it's due course of expanding the horizon to a continuous blank sheet of bright white spread to the point of no return and you stand holding a brush like you hold a new born baby in your hand, careful not to mishandle it and at the same time seamlessly jubilant and overflowing with joy watching it perceive the world around it as new as it can be....

Splurge the paint with my baby-holding grip on the brush, on this white stretch of unknown, unseen continuum of peace and serenity, with imagination like a bird on a wing, soaring a trajectory of zero gravity and suspending the paint as drops of pearls in it's own luster of animation and then dropping with splashes bigger then their conceived forms, leaving a beautiful trail of everlasting effervescence disappearing in the same trajectory of zero gravity as thought they hit a wall of clear glass.

This past hour, all the thoughts that have come to my mind with some spare distractions to the mundane work, i have penned down as an ongoing experience with learning to love life in every minute detail of it's expression.

I really wish i have more undisturbed hours like this one! But than i will have to reduce my pace of work or await thunderbolts to get the place go down crashing except my

On Commun (e)-on

The Tempest

Up came my world whirling a bottom-up on itself
For there stood a new man in his determinacy

Forgone were the moments of yesterday, for what beheld today…
Forgone were the moments of today, for the way forward sounds looks serene!

In a furore of conditioned practicality, the imaginative me takes a sharp turn on life, ceasing to be a prisoner of the perpetual, he has moved the process of imagination from his living space to his own personal space. A new aura lingers with joy like moderation that is to last the visionary bubble of soft cool energy, created and suspended with one sole intention…to nurture the descriptive immaclum of his new soul.

A satori is all I seek, just the way Japanese would have sounded this word for an instant awakening, I have associated this word I love the idea of being fixed for a date with a thriving moment of life which may last just a single moment or sometimes, if I am lucky even for days, depending on the sustenance of my own gratitude for the bliss…barely do I interact or do anything out of the ordinary for the fear of loosing it…for just as hard is it.. for me to awaken and bring all my six senses on a perfectly beautiful day to see the wonderful expression of nature in it’s most fascinating colours, the smiles on peoples faces start to beckon me to a new dawn of a soul kind, of an inwardly bliss which is lacking in its way of expressing out for the fear that the overflow may melt the person so much so that I am now to handle this communion with utmost care and make sure the union lasts longer, for now, I am not alone.

Of that I seek, is what I find sometimes in ways totally unexplained to me, an evangelic circuit of positive energy is switched on by the continuum of a nirphikalpa Samadhi that is sending electric impulses right from the time I get out of my bed, or sometimes maybe after a quick afternoon nap, taking me to places I have been to before, from my dreams, if I only knew how significant these placid spheres are and how can they, even in a sense of imagination, can surge me up with so much of energy, and the flow being so evasive in it’s nature and so eccentric in it’s giving, I stand resurrected and empty.

I have many questions, I need many answers…I need to get rid of the habit of only knowing to read between the words now, for in the process, I am dwelling deeper into the depths of the spaces between these words, where lie the immense possibilities of finding varied perceptions of this beautiful life…

Words once spoken, words don’t shy, words jump out of my soul’s pyre…the zest and the burn is on it’s way to consume every single thought and be put down in words to create a regenerative phenomenon of myriad purposes…I wonder!!!

However, as for a clean chit for my daily duties, this is how I had started to write having mixed up my personal space and my personal space that I take with me wherever I go.

Do I have anything to loose? The answer comes just quickly from inside of my head as the question did….Maybe or Maybe not…for this is not a game to play in May. Even the May queen ball is over….what have I been waiting for, a commune in myself and searching for that perfect partner who can light me up further, the pyre is getting intense to engulf my sanity and leave it doubled to it’s assessment of self Improvement and drop it by for another experience of a life time. I Gotttttcha try this one ;)

La Lumiere dans vos yeux

C’est le premier fois quelle qu’un
Que j’desire, dire moi

Par la portrait belle…
Qui parle avec moi…

Avec les yeux verte….
Qui m’regarde comme elles voulez me dire quel’que chose

Je essayez de comprends…
Si les etoiles parlez jamais..
Mais quand meme tout le monde exprime l’amour pour ces etoiles…

Pour qui par…quand vos yeux verte m’regarde,
Je pense qu’elle chante les mots de serenite

Peut etre je suis deranger par le mystifique yeux
Peut etre je besoin les mots pour ecrire…

Quelle qu’un me expliquer cet phenomena
Tous le temps, je pensera de vous

Tu sera toujours comme les etoiles distant
Je les voix, je les desire, je l'aime

Maintenante tu peut etre pense que je suis malade dans la tete
Mais, je dis que cette la tete qui fait moi malade.

J’etais totallement normal devant que vous a souri
quand votre bouche a fermez elle meme ,
J’ai realize que c’etait un dream…seulement un dream

Comment un blanche etat de la tete..
Tu reste avec ton yeux et tes simplicite….
Tous le temps dans ma tete.

On Connecting Lines>>>

Over the years of learning responsibilites the way a normal teen would, i had decided to be a rebellion in the face of impossibility and circumstances that would never allow me.

Out of the plain simple factoid-ial heritage of simplicity bestowed by the virtues of a naughty childhood, i guess there was no other way out...and to add to that, i had to have had kept the company of some highly proclaimed trend setters of my time, including me ;) We were proclaimed to be hell raisers for our sheer unacceptability of the around and suggestivity of a new kind in no matter what.

There was a cast away which was to follow that was inevitable in the face of our own disrespect for the ordinary...the world within and around us was confined to new realms of understanding the renditions of people who have inspired generations and kept a constant requirement of change alive,...kept the spirit of youth alive...decade after decade of a rebellion ...that was constantly crushed by the sceptics in their own meaningful explanations of the outwardly and the unnecessary...wherevea they failed to understand or retaliate...for there was no substance in the hollow words and no comparison at all in Their rendetion to this world. But they were in masses for they were the ones interested in sheer numbers.

The revolt kept growing all over the world i m sure ....and around us till we realized it wouldn't take long for us to understand why the outcast and how the outcast actually helped us in looking at the world in a totally different way....a way as the decades of brethern fellowship of outcasts have been writing and singing to the generations captivate themselves and understand that there lies much to this world then sheer leading by set examples of the ordinary and accepting what is thrust upon you....learning to experiment bold thoughts straight from the very captive inspirational imagination triggered minds.

just a moment ago as i wanted to put down all those words from all the people who i think made a mark in their era in their own beautiful ways, i realized what listening to these people have done to me, these were just not ordinary men, or men who had an inclination towards the amuzing belting out of albums after albums of music that redefined the very sould of music,...these were actually phiolosophers of a new kind...who wanted the world to listen to times where all that was told to people to listen to was to others...

noone told noone to listen to themselves anymore...the ones who did, would have realized that their advices are for no good to be given to others lest others are on the same plain of understanding...and wil seperate themselves from the flock and venture out on their own interests...meeting together as common connecting people.

and listening to other connecting people and keeping words unspoken yet understanding each other completely to respect each others space and yet infringe into it as one pleases.

The Indian Dub

Behind every action, there is a reason, it is for me to understand the reason of the event or enents of activities that seem to be beautifully lining the never ending quest of understanding life. Yes, this comes from the travel series aswell, A1 in the making.

Long since i have been trying to put some words across for the main inspiration behind and beyond my understading still, but the long since, is how long it has taken me to understand the order or the design ;). The design is pretty simple, look for signs even after you stopped an event. The game is getting every so friendly with me, that i am now used to waiting and watching, as my new pair of vision with sense comprehension altered like there is an acute amplification of vibrance in life around me, very subtle, which might have been around always, it's just that i have started to take note of it, and understanding that not in seclusion lies the key to understanding this very design, there are phases in life which are starkly contrasting to the past, present and the future that i want to see. For all that i know and uderstand, the present has never co-operated so well.

Everything falls in your converging sensuality, with such magical instances, that a new beginning is to be declared for every moment of truth perceived.

The calm and the aura of this subtle vibrance around me lately is pushing me further to thrive for evolution of a different kind, of a social kind. Evolution embedded deep into the material of the materials, into the substance of the substances and into the face of the faces.

But always, there is one face from every folk-lore around the world that has left it's legacy nothing but serenity in their hearts and love to offer and the sheer persuasive power to create mystic charm around themselves, i have nevery loved myself so much before.

This is a new rhapsody of life, the dub which i dub the Indian Dub, for this is an Indian Heart at it's Merciless Benevolence.....


AS Vast as the horizon itself, the vested interests seem to be every broading in their sense perception and daily orientation. So the VvAST(E)D'dimensions were not that bad after all. Come to think of them now, it is that One Symposium with truth, One moment to live for, One moment that can change your life considerably, One Goal, One Love, ONe true good beginning, one honest quest, one pure intention, one time tested tour yet so out of it's regular perceptive dimensions.

Today is confessions day, taking over from all my previous percepts, i am going to draw a conclusion on my pre-mono-logues and start giving it a sense of direction. So from now on thoughts are going to be in Vested interests of a new norman(l)clature. The braces will stay for i cannot yet write single dimensionally. The intensity is always more then i expect to start with, irrespective of the fact that all the forthcomming meanderings with words will be more gait-ish. More on the lines of Walk the talk and jump the walk, NEW is the generation and common will be the idiocy. Self-contemplation will be out and confrontation is in.

To this date, i have always enunciated the rawness in my thoughts to the relativity of suble realms. This year i confer my sarcasm to you, as i was to late to realize that luck seems to be playing a mightier role here than mr.sarcasm himself. The sheer nudity of my thoughts may have been obstrusive to the people who i want to understand me, but always form my own point of view. For as the flow has been shifting from the subtle to the not so material realm, the connectivity is going to be like a suspension bridge, the line i am going to walk will be 'hanging loose'. That is how i have learnt look at the world a little less profoundly.

Compassion with words and retaliation with truth is the new way of life. For all i every had to give was sown in phrases that flow as many spectra of guilt, hatred, understanding, negotiating with life, accepting people, commenting on their ways, retrospecting on my own self, searching for the truth, marg-the way, in and out of dead-locks, sometimes compensations to contemplations beyond my own understanding, gaining the flow, being in touch with the real and the surreal, the macabre of loneliness, the joyful experiences from myraid lovely hearings, complaints to luck, issues in life, though not many lately, thanks to sense and sensibility that time and only time could have taught me, for what can mend ways of an extremist, the beautiful spacing of timely events that test his patience, and i have stood by for just as long enough to confess today whole heartedly my desire to come out with cleaner acts.

Thank ful are the ways of people around me who bore my shrewd complexity, but they always knew that i am not to think of anything untoward for them, then you may ask why shrewd, as the transformation in time even got me to people and places which were below my expectations, but i only stood realized again and again that my expectations with life were not reasonable enough. i was not thinking on practical grounds. Time taught me the real meaning of patience and it's rewards. Though never bothered about the rewads, the learning during this phase has been more outwardly and mondial than i had to think i must have been missing.

How deeper do i need to understand you, oh dear life of mine, is what motivates me and inches me closer and closer to you. The Food and sleep apart. Are you becoming an integral part of my life or are you becoming an integral part of my life, with options being kept limited, i only want to give more from here on. I have taken a lot from you la viva locas, for my quest ended there, but now, i seek your solicitudes in peace and calm like ablutions. Rhetoric and ritual as it may sound, the surrender is total, with complete harmonious integrity for all goodness in life.

Smiling. This year, and from now on, my thoughts march towards a new path and i hope that along this presumably balanced path i rediscover you over and over again

Now this narrative has become way to dear to me. This expression of life in characters that revolve around me, including my non-dual self ;) will chronicle every aspect of life for the better understanding of direction which i beseech from a smile. i know it can never be lost, not in my 'trying to understand' tour, for i never let it miss a day on me.

Vvasted, Fas-ted, Ned.

This Differed Realization of Foreclosure

There are many dreams, some are scary and some are not, but quite simply, all of it is my sub-conscious venting out it's inadequacy to the listner-in-sleep.

Sleepy as the staticity is best suiting itself for a better tomorrow. I have been roaming all over searching for happiness, thinking of the infinite possibilities of a totally mixed up interchange of roles, a complete reversal of the channels, a new twist every day. When a gross body like mine and your's can do it every morning, before we even realize, we have shifted roles. The shyam has become sundari already. It's just that for him to realize the fact may take a quick placid moment of realization of the forthcomming, just a moment can determine the shift in the stands, purely on a sub-conscrious level, that, you not only get engrossed with the moment, you even forget that there is a foreclosure. Whoever said live every moment or be the moment, for i don't wan't to miss the revelations. Lest the revelations are anticipatory in the face of a lot of effort put in and just waiting for the right time.

I feel hapless to the inabilities of the conscious which can do everything it pleases to but still cannot please me with a simple glimpse of my beloved. So should i love miConsciouSelf. Should you love my ConsciousSelf. I'd love you to love me for my un-inhibited self. Should you induce it to me, you have to be the enticer. For the charismatic has it's ways and the beautiful just has one. ThySimpleSelf. The motivator of dreams, the foreplay has begun even before i realize, the style is subtle and distinct, the involvement is a complete surrender to the Sun(tan)der, the benevolence is a blessing, the vision is momentary and the message is usually clear. This new love for the Sleeping-Fellowship i wanted to share.

The very tattva of serendepity, the destiny of the slowly dying gullible and the ongoing effort to fill in the missing links is proving to be a visionary delight. Though the task seems daunting and never-ending, the whole process seems so palpable. Righteous says nothing is precious that is perishable, how do i love myself to love you? I rather love you righteous, for you help me make my thoughts on words, which someday may refer me back to our beginning hand-in-hand, as right now i am still trying to know you better, the provocation is way way ahead of my imagination, i need to blind fold you so the intensity stays within, for i do not fear the blinding ;) but i may just get totally engrossed and miss the foreplay.

Differed will be the realization for sure, for i am not to be blamed of my sub-conscious play, i am to be blamed of my own conscious actions. Everyone is responsible for his own conscious actions to his own preferred intentions. For i prefer the wholesome. And in the end there is even the super-conscious. The final authority on me! All Access granted baby! The next thing i know, i could die for this fatal attraction and just not open my eyes for the next day. Rest in unison with the final authority. No matter how far i wander away, i have to keep comming back to you to relive and reveal!

attentive is the thought for now and the day lights are calling, will be back ;)

From Bvlgari Aqva

From Bvlgari to Sundari is a journey by itself, so it add's on to my travel series, it's just that the travelling has stopped physically but the quest for the unravelled entwined shyam-sundari provides no rest for the ever more hungry flame-ent(w)ine libertine. The title suggests an unequivocal descent from the pointless to just a Point Less, weird but true, you ll know what i am talking about as you read on..!

The insigntedness is making me oblivious to the material. It is making me understand it from a sub-conscious notion aswell.The riches lie unamassed in pure ecstacy of love and emotion that these materials amass within themselves as visionary sonic olfactory sensual percepts. Characterstics of my sundari, of The Shyam, Of my Shyam-sundari in unison on the same sensual percepts that diffrentiate them so distinctly that the reflection it creates, defying all laws of juxtapositional meanders of the abstract, help me see the inevitable, the real, eventually the beautiful.

The deeper i look within, the better is the meltdown of the materialistic. I want to keep looking at this beauty of the world from the deep comforts of my oftenly occuring insignted perceptuals, the Horizon of the Infinite is on-board Self. The rising of the entwined is liberal to my will, realistic to it's basic nature and conceivable to it's lore.

On an a(u)xillary stand, there rests this energy which want's to rise, but at it's own will. As the master of the tempest, the blizzard of the cause and the saviour of the impendimentor, it rattles the living daylights out of my desire to consciously possess and conceive it. For as i begin to understand the obscure, the ignorance good-riddens.

The naive is dying every single moment for the stand is so static yet. The control is so unvoluntary. The imagination is fuelled by thoughts of provoking the sundar-sundari union again and again just to see if there can be any better combination to the outside and the inside, for as the inside is well under-control to the lovely, bowed in regard and embraced in love, the outside distances are mearely a thought to ponder on the nicities of it's substance and the need to unite. It is this stand-off from where i want to see what the world has to offer from what it had to offer.

lie in your await Calm AQVA...!


Preface to an impendiment, a shallow worldly formality in the drape of ethics. Lol

Here I'm'(gona)pen'di(e*)mint the death of my dear gullible one more time with the freshness of a mint leaf. Everything that the new year has bought in it's optimistic package of another 365 routine yet NU-d(E)ays, there will be a new session of hopeful recountenances of the clement pon+ thi(E)f. Still stealing the winter away to glory.

Hopeful as the "World rests on it's noun" bla bla bla, recountenances are sure to reappear for I still have not understood the design of the game completely, it all goes round and round and never never grouding till we realize that we have been puppeted to the mere countenances of the impersonator, our I_m_pen_(di'e)mentor. A digital dye with an imaginary pen from the mentor's perspective, you shall see the impersonator in your own self.

For my impending thoughts are comming to a new level of excitement as i progress into the deeper realms of the mystic immaculum. Where is the straigh forwardness of a gutsy monarchy..there is the understanding of the imposer. There is a link which one will see here.

We are put in a design to be explored and enriched by each other. It is a very simple design and the veil is Mayan only to a certain extent. The delusions are'nt contemporary nomore, for the nu d(E)mand is riotous in it's basic nature, uncomplicated in it's texture and is going to be constantly solicited..for.. that is what the treasure is tormented with. If i am deluded from inside, than it is this turbulence i want to add a little more fuel to.

So, the design as you may well be able to see now, is a commune, a pool, a thought process of the cellular, grey or white, into the absolute and into the acceptance of the diverse..ethnic or linguistic. The eiffel of the trans-Enigma-tic from the blitzkrieg of the merk(Elee*)-ish, from the soverign of the Libertine and the FUN-da-mentalist of the Dime {V*} rAise-th(E) new hyme of the I_m_pen_(DYE)_mentor.

Twinkle winkle LEGEND*(t)ar-y

E: definitely not the 1, could be for Erroneous impendiments of English or the Ecstatic anomaly of the impendiment-or simply E-man-cipation

(): the braces are how i want to E'm (brace) the cliche

V: for sure is da-v-in C for crypt, peace

Ele(E): melange of femi-lingual vice an(t)onymous

A silient move_meant

The only move meant this winter, as every winter brings the new year after it. This one comes from a travel book aswell, A 1 in the making 2. The canvass is painted DaRk to illuminate the nature of the negative green, the axis beyond which every great monu-meant has been designed (inc. the pyramids), beyond the Vibgyor of the visible light we start to see the unspoken. Negative for it exists non dually between the black and the white, the good and the bad, call it the non dual, negative still as it is energy all the way...electric is flow of negatives, from the Violets of the violence to the grey'est of the matter. Though former being the last of the choices, lets be real aswell. And green for there is no love without it. The unchronic omni-existant green of life and love. The link never severs itself from the root, and the negative is beyond the root, beyond the cause and beyond the awakening. All this if put together on one axis of under_standing, will become the broader spectrum of light with colors mostly found in the luster of vivid DaRkNeSs, it’s just that I never thought much of colors beyond the colors.

Defining the heights of optimism and taking it down all the way, we start to add some colors to the dark canvass of this night. Me and my partner Ravi are cruising on a bike trying to get to a place located as bleak memories of the Grey. The place is just a nice hang out joing with good music and is set close to Vagator beach in Goa. This is the same Vagator that Goa Gill has made some songs on. Anyways the cruise felt great and the sense perception outwardly loud and silent. A nerve-wreck of a passive rider, that is me, for once felt like being guided by the forces from this loose wreck to 1 heck of a cruise aka through by my partner. The quest took me and my partner half way to the place from where the end seemed quite inevitable and obvious as one of us had to break the silence. We both saw a man sitting at a road side bar with many other casual drinkers and before i could ask ravi to stop in front of the most easily accessible guy at that bar, which meant we could still be sitting on the bike and ask for directions, my partner stopped in front of this same man we both had spotted first for he was too tall to be missed and easily accessible ;)

I asked the man if he knew this rave joing which used to be on the way from here and which played some great goa trance? He gave directions. I asked him if the place would still be gyrating some sonic vibes as it was pretty late in the night, and he said he wouldn't know. I kept looking at this person as he reminded me of someone, he said "I think i know you from somewhere, don't I?" maybe I said, but you sure do remind me of someone from earlier. For it was meant to be more of a sonic resemblance than a visionary one, atleast initially, as I kept thinking of this one man his voice resonated similarly to, we both saw our intentions materialize to a common juncture, and i asked him what his name was", he said George, i asked him if he ever worked in this place called Bangalore, and he called my name out. This was a surprise from the dead of the night. This was a sheer coincidence, but i somehow knew when me and ravi had left our guest house that we are not going to make it to the place we started for “The Primerose” as the place is called, or rather, we were not so keen on it later, but still we had head out. Surprise quickly turned into humor as my good old friend started to think it was his ride and me mutually owing the feeling. The other people at the barr kept their intent on the humor and we bemused. They thought it was their drive watching us own our own drives…some quick name droppings and a past to present ride broke the humor to start it all over again. This whole thing of "whoever's ride it was anyways!" did not seem relevant as now we were in a conversation. I asked our friend if there was any other place to go to other than the one, as he had mentioned that he was now living in Goa, we thought who else can guide. George was now painting for a living. He was planning to open an Art shop the next day for which there was a subtle invitation in the form of his phone number. He did suggest a place in the end which was quite difficult to pronounce as I was just seeking a Prime-rose. We drove back from that place to unison again with the dark canvas of the night.

For an eye it was plain co-incidence, for two it was back to worldly vison, for the third, it was a deja vu reversal. A strong instinct to get back to silence was alluring me. For the first time ever i felt one with the forces within in the mist of gratitude to one and all. A silent and lovely consecration to the almighty. For this one state of nirbhikalp Samadhi or moving state of bliss was not ending. It was MeAnT to be the way it was, I have no clue as such, even though it did leave a mark of “Improvement “screaming out of me. The end to this ode was very peaceful, enraptured in the intensity of the null..enthrusted in the depths of the Nothing and laid on soft CuLt in hopes of a new dawn, with colors so bright to it's natual pattern that they illuminate every GrEy cell for a better understanding of the new found axis where a lot rests coiled and unawaken. ;) mAuMentous Jubilious


i Dedicate the story hereunder as an attempt to the cosmic emulsion of unification, a true experience of bliss i have experienced by the sheer vision of the great jaggernaut, whose appearnce is so mystical and mesmerizing, that i cannot wait to start the whirl again under his super gaze. You've gotcha check those eyes out..! holy dance trance

The Rendetion: Lord Jagannath's appearance is the story of how Krishna was eavesdropping on the gopis as they spoke amongst themselves of His pastimes, and how much they loved him. Sister Subadra was instructed to keep watch and ensure Krishna wasn't nearby while the gopis spoke of Krishna. But after a while Subadra was so overwhelmed by the gopis' devotion and their stories that she became completely engrossed in listening. She didn't see the brothers Krishna and Balarama approaching. As the brothers listened their hairs stood on end, their arms retracted, their eyes grew larger and larger, and they smiled broadly in ecstasy. That is why Jagannath, Balarama and Subhadra look like they do.

Ps: There are other stories to the appearance of Lord Jagannath which i have not included in this blog.


Do i say more to this picture is the fix. As i need to stop being so immersed to speak.

The silence felt like a single giant wheel churn of karmic visions, no false play, and now it is just about how much more one can absorb, for i am all but voracious right now. Though not in Radhadesh, hopefully maya is always around..hehe


This comes straight from the travel book. A one in the making though. Everything is falling in the right place at the right time. The harmony and it's derogatory powress of solitude was striking like a thunderbolt in the mist of ignorance. The beguiled misguide is broken.

The gullible wanted to be dead and buried. This particular day, in Pune, after a beautiful afternoon and a fun filled evening of koregaon park and it's energy play, we unisioned to instant state of every mo(ve)ment or "the moves-we-ment" , i can explain the play but it was too intricate and subtle to be put in words. All i can say is it was an experience in itself, and all of koregaon park boys to vouch for the conch-ness of time, one osho-ite in the group tells me i sound like Osho, for all i know, i was bliss struck, no wish to move, not even to the immediate locality,where we could have found Ms.JOLIE to all our jolly-good-heavens luck luster.

That night we had taken off with khalid's friends towards a hill station called mahabaleshwar. Somehow we returned a quarter way through, for all i never thought, i would go to this same place a couple of weeks later, though not as per my travel plans. NOt that pune was a plan in itself.

we get up early, me and my friend khalid, to do atleast one thing creative for this whole pune trip, so we go to the park outside osho's commune.

I really wanted to go to Osho's commune, as no other place on the face of this planet fosters a learning of the most ancient of the literature under one roof; be it buddhism, vaishnavism, zoroastrianism, or plain simple art of living...unfortunately,there was a hitch, and we were aware of that before hand. One has to go through a HIV test and wait 1 long week for the results and scrupulous barriers to be materialized, which i found quite irritating and not just! 1 should just be let in, as there could be non-freudian intentions, a quest for a master, etc.

The park was very quite and there were hardly any people in there, for the misty winter has it's ow(e)n effects in bed ;), only the determined could see what they would see here.

The levels of energy were elevating, what we missed we clicked. What we clicked is all these words being put together. The serenity at the park is exactly the same madness that i had felt when i read my first book, which was, to my under-(knocking)- stand-ing of basic elements, written by Osho The Madman.

To my name as a synonym for the Sun, sheetal jal or cold water was to be the basic element, calmness was the virtue, insight(e)dness was the garb, youthful was the perception and unforgettable was the experience.

Ps: I am not and will never be chasing a particular cult or sect. of historic eventualities, but will just garner knowledge and develop abilities to derive non conflicting standpoints for an even better understanding of this very Alma matter, LIFE!