Sunday, September 9, 2007

AUM - The Sound of Silence.

Manifestation of sound in repetitive beats of scintillating electric showers that permeate the sonic mind and run the impulse loose for a different kind of sensation, a one associated with the very creation of the world.

If this world was created on sounds from the cosmic motor that churns the primal hum of the Omni-echoing Om and the eventual transgression of it from the womb of its void to the vividness of Life around: Than music should becomes the official liberator of the Mind, the Body and the Soul.

The captive uninhibited spectra of colors in a splendid rainbow with its brilliant dispersion... like a stroke of giant paint brush between two equally serene thoughts of an intuitive mind.

In this post i am trying to reason Sound...chain of my thought towards the understanding of sound as a visible spectra mine. A new perspective in understanding the subtle fusion of the primal senses in a subtle realm... setting the stage for a dance show of sorts, a one that digs deeper into my joyful head as a trivial light searching for its befitting enthusiasts who would react to the flow of it's intensity...never loosing its purpose to entice.

My finds of the sub material world: By pushing the limits of mind body n soul in a whirl of reasoning beyond inhibitions...where there lurk no shadows of doubt about its existence and its relation to the insipid world it's trapped in... Immaterial against its own basic form n will...i create and confer my own void to the supremacy of the cosmic churn.

Fortunately the showering lifetronic forces that fuel the soul are not bound in any form or shape, always regulating a smooth flow for the swirl of thoughtlessness.. every time there is an accord struck between the Mind, Body & Soul.

I Tried to imagine it. Listening to the shape of the repetitive beat of my spirit in motion, a body subjected to the magnetic pull of its sounds that create pockets of energy that start releasing physical emissions of a sway kind and a mind ecstatic in the thought of it all :) The Sonic equilibrium Trinity.

The colors heard thence...relate such inertia of the quiet that words create and express themselves in the influence and tell its tale in designs that let go of the deepest kept inhibitions of my inner self.... the spectra merging as one and entwining with each other creating a very bright light that tunnels in and out of the whirling me...creating a multi dimensional field of neon effervescences that senses reel from the whirl and feel one with the void yonder, from where came the hum of the cosmic motor churning the omni felt AUM.

Effects of the Whirl'd-around Me ;)

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