Thursday, December 24, 2015

Serenity Juxtaposed

Of nature and its infinite void I speak
Of the nature of infinitism I beseek

Of the limited perplexes I seek borned
Of staggered paths i see unite crisscrossed

Of inter transmitorry vibes I combine
Of grand gestures that I divide

Of regulating norms in synchrony I challenge
Of spatiating fractals I seek but don't find

Of serenity and calm I state my mind
Of trying to mark the stark I divide

Of regression in discomfort I confide
Of never too submissive thoughts I chide

Of the simplicit nods that I revise
Of the melancholic odds I so prize

Of curative halves I imbibe
Of reclusive stats I mesmerize

Of serenity ànd calm I state my mind
Of trying to mark the stark I divde

Of the limited dye in which I express my dive
Of the makeshift patterns I identify

Off the surface of serenity I ply
Juxtaposed in intrigue that just won't comply

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Nostalgic sublimity

Nostalgia as it happens to be a spiritual sublime
For reflections in the past only happen through time

There is a great essence to this feeling we uprise
There is a subtle sublimity it brings as a prize

Ever so ardent and never so bland it will surprise
For the seakers of begotten times it will never even surmise

The journey back in time is eloquently spewn in times
Where there have been specificities rather untold up for finds

Come let us journey through this magnanimity of a kind
Let us rave through these rocks for we must always grind

The hidden treasure trove of memories lie unwound
For we need our emissaries to throw back on what we confound

Bring in the alibies and let them take a stance
For illusions are to be broken in the light of a chance

Let us spread the joy of the upheaval while we dance
The words come out like a spectacle so let us enhance

Rigidity in motion or callous frigid thoughts
Got to break the moments and make new so they last

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Starry night starrrrrry night ...

In the collective humility of stars I thrive
With their burning zest I still survive

Under their radiant twinkling but gentle flares I dance
Knowing the limited fuel I have to last.. I take a chance

within the limitless possibilities of dimensions I travel
With my mind unraveled to the mysteries I marvel

In the ethnic though of the creation I surrender my unison
To this omnipresence I unfathom my intriguing vision

under their radiant twinkling but gentle flares I dance
Knowing the limited fuel I have to last.. I take a chance

There is hardly a night with fewer opportunities entwined
When the turbulent gates of far flung energy sources crystallize in time

In their collective rhythmic accord they shine through the night
Emanating souls into their inter transitory spatial rues with a delight

The aura of a parallel existence is so true I won't even fight
The tripling motion from a dancers feet to seek the truth which is in flight

There is a connection with this entwine in ways that even the genomic unwinds
Starting a spectacular show between sonic showers of never heard frequencies that it finds..

The primaeval story that the stars collectively sing in trance and yet hide
There is no apprehension to the inhibitions it liberates in its stance stride after stride... 

Monday, December 21, 2015

nostalgic glee

We got a juggernaut that's not rolling on its adieu to your apprehensions my friends as we reconvene here...

 there are no pretences as we reel in nostalgic moments of our serenity ...let your emotions flow in glee a river might into the sea..

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The Silent Sonic Whisperer!!!

the shaman spells his magic in loud and unspoken whispers and nature blows him a breeze back around...

the shaman harmonises with these reverberating whispers rebounding from him the strength n power with which he keeps his course on ground ;)

Saturday, November 14, 2015

A light without its dark!!!

 My 100th blog post..please do read and comment..thanks!

A light without its dark!!!

A photon's journey from its inter vibratory states is transmutable...
A view on light in transition from its brilliance to flickering brilliance through it's inter vibratory phases..

Transitory encounters with the darker greens on the negative side of the vibratory spectrum lie the invisible and unsung heroes..
As they say there is light on the other side of the dark tunnel... Technically i think it's the light trying to penetrate the darkness but unable to do so

So to contemplate that light is incremental in itself without any darkness does not quite fit well for the darkness is not the absence of light.. It is an existence in its own realm..and has its own complex nature which is least understood to many

How less I know about the darkness that compliments our photonic heroes are as retrograding as these little pockets of light energies themselves but that is not my interest in knowing here..

It is the relatively of the darkness and the dance in its own essence that has the light bound to it ...that's most intriguing to me..what would it be,  I think..of the light, had there been no darkness for us to conceive it apart from

Complimentary or not the darkness never seizes to exist.. Throwing my knowledge to a limitless wonder on how little I  know about the matter that hides most of my inner consciousness and the outer unparalleled universe at large...

Yet the inter vibratory photons or packets of light energy keep a momentum going that seem quite linear in nature given how i see the light, from the moment it left the sun to 8 minutes after we usually see it...

And in this transit and within its own transitory motion..a photon or packet of light creates a parallel existence by recreating every real aspect that light materialises on its journey to earth and rematerialized them as I begin to perceive this much for not seeing the unseen

So I remain as mere recipient of transitory states of light with single helical  perceptions of the wave motion..receiving incomplete packets of information emitted from a source that too back in time...and so oscillating between the past and an unforeseeable presents of time..

This makes me think of my very perception of time from the moment the packets i visualise through my constantly analysing senses and conceptualising the consistent viel that nature chooses to hide itself from me by playing a sort of hide and seek ..what is called Maya..playing with my senses in gratification, keeping me working away from my ultimate soul goal of nirvana or state of bliss

So if the time as I know in its passing were to be defined by the blink of an eye in perception of light... The darkness that keeps the blink functional is very essential too I guess

So what If it is the absence of light.. Darkness is how our brains works too.. in differentiating when it should be working and when not..

When so much is riding on the fact that light has to be supported by darkness...why is darkness the least known to me... Be it in my mind or out of my mind.

The riddle of nature is forever mesmerising to my soul...for I wonder, if my nature is connected with the nature around than does it exist in parallels too..Reverberating in its existence, every vibratory visible physical  state

..if yes than  is there another me somewhere in the ethereal nether world that's constantly looking down around or up to its in between state...

playing its part in the larger play of Maya super consciously..away from the the darker spectrum of the negative greens and other invisible and inconceivable planes..

I wonder if there is any light without it's dark or the other way around...

Either ways it's only fair I keep on wondering looking for answers...if the
 Phrase there's only so much that meets our eyes is true...I look yonder..deeper and wider learn n know more about life's mysteries..

hoping one day I will know the answers..if not least some of them to rest my mind in peace on my vibratory counterparts and stay Celeste in the knowing.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

A Journey's Tale in Parts!!!

The reason and power to equalize our thoughts and the sanity in duality are ever so conflicting that the sundry brain meagerly assimilates the drama that's ever so prescribing it's changing landscapes as it should make a thought believe...

the ethnic one... out of it's own selflessness... begins to delve out of these never ending subjugation's..
in it's ever so summarizing and deliberating consonants that tend to resonate their rhymes time upon imposing time...

with this ideology..the summing of the total parts of a journey .. as it beings with its spectacular objectives perceived in it's  probable equatable parts
and with  an imaginative end to fathom what's begot...a journey to summation sparsely driven with the zest to glutton in it's own glory begins to sort...

with an end that is to begin the sublimity of  ever so anticipating consummating parts and as actors in a play that must play their yin and yan consorts..
to be making an act that would circumvent itself around it's rigorous bots..the beginning must come around and when the dusk's descends itself upon after every dawn...

the zen in completion is party comprehensible due to it's's etat...and party due to it's completeness in a completed thought...

somehow the relative subjunctive seems so inter twined that the journey won't present enough surprises in itself to ever be aligned to it's own thought...

secluded in it's own path to far as eternity is entwined.. the journey shall keep wondering when  the reality is going to be in it's own plausible haute...

never bothered about it's deliberative ends..and hardly in remembrance of it's solitary beginnings...the coil of journey's life meets its objections midway and somewhere from where it is poised to be sanctimoniously sought...
to find itself through this unity that it would be forever denied...notions falling apart in it's perception ..if it were to contemplate for who it was from what it thought...

to the beginning that was to warp it's self back to the start of the line only to find..  life beyond the ethereal dual mind..
partly sublimed and partly in its arduous tired and never giving up hinds.. .

Dedicated to my son Samarsh...I Love You!

Monday, June 15, 2015

Spirits in Existence

There is a certain relationship between existence and it's spirituality
Of that stemming from necessity and evolution where the progress of a spirit in existence is concerned 

In certain sects and in many world beliefs the spirit world is a direct pathway to one's own existence.. Through intrinsic retrospection one can really live the livid realms of one's inner soul unperturbed..given the will

With a special interest and away from the magnanimity and Pompous delegations of a conditioned mind, is a spirit soul indulgent in a resplendent magnificence of itself

Aloof from the rigid boundaries of the unsacramental and superficial day to day pulsations of life.. it still thrives

For the nature of the spirit has nothing to do with the worldly behavioral fabric woven by delimiting minds...

A spirit throb must deep dive into the rational modalities of his perceptions.. Into the formalities of the never conforming reclusiveness, of this untamed life..

Never deterred by the segmented reality and always in search of the subtle world it hides...away from the banality and marginal limitness of the projected vagaries of life

The act of introspection maybe of a conscious nature..but the will to submerge into the unknown unfamiliar world's within brings the real uprise

Challenging ones own belief systems and dogmas upheld, in return for a few drops of knowledge from the vast ocean of our very own spirituality and its existence.. 

We sure may have progressed on from being nomads to civilized societies with its vicious divides...
However...Our spirits still stay true to our existence, always waiting for us to take a look inside every once in a while

For the rewards are unfathomable and the experiences are untwined..
The journey will stay it's own course for its the traveller that will bring out the milestones alligned

Monday, March 23, 2015

nested in the comfort of my mommy's loving care I grow big and strong alright!!!
...playfully in my father's arms..i grow to be naughty and get charmed by his sight!

...gonna be 7 months in a week...boy does it seem like I am growing at speed of light...
..from being a cute little boy to mommy and daddy's sparkly eyes full of delight!!!

...looking at the world around gleefully ..welcoming my first summer equinox I gather might..
pondering in my wonderful world of thoughts... I see everything to be joyful and  bright!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

a wonderful smile

I dream of a dream with flashes in my eyes...
My cuty pie has come about as a wonder from the skies...

I hear no sounds but his motherly calls...
His voice becons me from across halls...

His angelic face and daddy and mommy abide   ....
To thosee innocent and fun filled eyes...they have nothing to hide..

A child's dream has a child dreaming alike...
Unweary of the malice or hurting truthfulness of this life..

my tiny bundled of joy, has he wrapped a big surprise...
that wonderful smile and he has melted many a hearts awhile...