Thursday, October 1, 2015

A Journey's Tale in Parts!!!

The reason and power to equalize our thoughts and the sanity in duality are ever so conflicting that the sundry brain meagerly assimilates the drama that's ever so prescribing it's changing landscapes as it should make a thought believe...

the ethnic one... out of it's own selflessness... begins to delve out of these never ending subjugation's..
in it's ever so summarizing and deliberating consonants that tend to resonate their rhymes time upon imposing time...

with this ideology..the summing of the total parts of a journey .. as it beings with its spectacular objectives perceived in it's  probable equatable parts
and with  an imaginative end to fathom what's begot...a journey to summation sparsely driven with the zest to glutton in it's own glory begins to sort...

with an end that is to begin the sublimity of  ever so anticipating consummating parts and as actors in a play that must play their yin and yan consorts..
to be making an act that would circumvent itself around it's rigorous bots..the beginning must come around and when the dusk's descends itself upon after every dawn...

the zen in completion is party comprehensible due to it's's etat...and party due to it's completeness in a completed thought...

somehow the relative subjunctive seems so inter twined that the journey won't present enough surprises in itself to ever be aligned to it's own thought...

secluded in it's own path to far as eternity is entwined.. the journey shall keep wondering when  the reality is going to be in it's own plausible haute...

never bothered about it's deliberative ends..and hardly in remembrance of it's solitary beginnings...the coil of journey's life meets its objections midway and somewhere from where it is poised to be sanctimoniously sought...
to find itself through this unity that it would be forever denied...notions falling apart in it's perception ..if it were to contemplate for who it was from what it thought...

to the beginning that was to warp it's self back to the start of the line only to find..  life beyond the ethereal dual mind..
partly sublimed and partly in its arduous tired and never giving up hinds.. .

Dedicated to my son Samarsh...I Love You!

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