Sunday, February 6, 2011

With lOVE

raison détre

The reason for being and the reason to be
Are two different notions to identify with

The reason for being for who we are
For what we do and for what we believe in

The reason to be is an existential relation
The reason to be is not to be

In essence the reason for being and to be
Are two self contradictory mutually existing notions

It's what Shakespeare was thinking of when he plundered upon the irony of
To be or not to be but his notion was utterly dramatized

To be subjected to dual forces of life..
The essence of being and the essence of belonging meet
It's where the good and the bad the Yin and the Yan meet
The counter balance to these dual forces are the same forces that get them together

If unlike attract and likes repel then the good was meant for evil and vice versa
This make's it much easier to understand, the forces self align

Duality is existential and duality is the nature of emotion
Emotions balance themselves out….like love balances hate

Love is not my idea of an emotion that has such complex sides that one can not ignore
The chemistry of love is quite different compared to the two lovers who are actively involved

For them to be in love is magical, they did not intend it, they fell for it, at subtle levels the dual forces
Of chemistry aligned, and so do physics and the psychology of love

The two lovers are dual forces of the dual forces that is brining them together
It's a bigger picture, matches are made in heaven, or so they say….
Our two lovers were meant to meet each other….to love and to be loved…to find the reason to be
And the reason being unknown, love is magical, it just happens

To let ourselves be….without inhibitions…conscious about the feeling
Conscious about the world, about the emotions that we give
The emotions that we take with us, emotions that make us twist and turn in excitement
The epitome of ecstasy, two lovers having been so drawn to each other
They become one in existence, one in love, one by love
One as they were meant to be, the instincts passed on,

Passages turn greener, colors look brighter, they feel happier
we get expressive, we get understanding
we get sincere and truthful, we pretend to care, we pretend to attend
we hold hands, walk beaches, stare at stars
share intimate moments, get known, we learn
we submit, we get courageous, we stand for our rights
we share our personal space, we pretend to be happy

colors start to fade, paths turn to usual, we welcome reality
we open up, we let somebody to choose for us
we learn to trust, we put faith in our partner's hands
we share the moments, we get on with life

the existence continues to be
we continue to be
a little closer to the existence, a little closer to life
we are a part of life's forces, we are dual, bound forces
we emanate, we reciprocate, we get spontaneous

we love on…we open ourselves up further
the journey unlocks mystery like in infinitum
we discover ourselves everyday….
We class choices, we share joy's
We get selective we get creative we get special

The reason for being and the reason to be change
Perspective takes a paradigm shift
All that we idealized and all that we worked for
Needs more attention then ever before
We constrain, we refrain, we contain our feelings our thoughts
We learn to sacrifice, we learn to consider… to criticize

Time moves on we look on by, circumstances change
Life presents additions, people come to understand you
we are a part of the society, a mutually admiring society
we express your emotions, we maser them we use them
we make way for our choices with wishes

we continue to choose, we specialize in the art of options
Certainty is imbibed, we get confident, we share the reason to be
we see the world as two different entities sharing the same joy's and commotions of life
the power of duality within duality….we feel responsible…we feel secure and cared for
bonds and shackles disappear, we push our mental and emotional selves to newer realms

we experience life as it comes, two mute observers with different attitudes
two different sets of behaviors, two sets of moods, two personalities shaped by life itself
Duality within duality within duality of subtle elements have known us by

we scrutinize we analyze we demystify, we get suggestive
the reason to be together, to be as one dual force is magical
it allures millions to fall in love, to express the helplessness in solidarity
the magic of unison and specter of celebrations

the spectacle turns into an expanse …ever so vast, we learn to be quiet spectators
we learn to be listeners, welcoming arrays of emotions
we explore each other's individualities, each other's formalities
we break through the conscious barriers
for the reason to be is the reason to be together….

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