Sunday, August 15, 2010

Path, a Log

distances are of a nature so intrigue
it draws us to it's eternal compass

of directions that we tread on to
take sway of our reciprocating lines

away we sway further from this limitlessness
to find ourselves into the eternal shrines

far away into distances into languid serenity
far away in time with the voices of eternity

we march on through gloomy reprieves
we conquer the moments of our singular surmise
nothing seems forever not even the end of times

the ways get smarter life still takes it's turns
we move on as if we are always on a return

sturdy we climb one rung after another
making our way through emotions of all kinds

seasons of the year pass us by
wearing us down making us our own alibi's

we stand witness to the passing of time
wondering if the journey is for'worth'ever a while

we smile a bit we laugh a bit we call our hits
we get smarter in our wits....the ways keep on onto change

we resent some we allure some we revere some
we fear some we adore some we steer clear some

we put up with our moods we choose our grooves
life waves a flag we even conjure some

we feel happy we feel sad we feel sometimes
right out like a douchebag....we break we go broke

we live on like a shadow... that thought saw us
we introspect we retrospect we make choices and regret

we show love we see fate we watch the days and nights ahead
we surrender we win over we shun opportunities in clear head

distances journey trough time as we linger on
watching the journey holding onto our breath

life is a beauty.. of a puzzle so nice
nothing seems to be or to seem to cease

singular momentum swagger us through
we learn our turns we learn our concerns
we learn to keep the distances on the run

we walk ourselves in and out of time
we mesmerize we idealize we visualize the passes

our wits define the limits of time
where moments of life set us up so fine

love to travel… hitch a ride
life is a path we travel on by

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