Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Humble Old Man of the Hill

5 yrs ago, on a lonely pathway straddled with beautiful jasmines
out in the search of a mountain top I encountered a man in his 60's.

I had taken off from my guest house at 4:30 am in Mahabaleshwar to treck to the closest sunrise point as the place is very popular for its beautiful sunrises. I had a cap and a jacket to cover me from the heat and with literally no map or GPS for assistance I started walking out on to the main road. With directions from a few local men and women who were awake at that hour of the day, i came to know about a point on the hills that offered an awesome view of the sun rising and that it was only 5 miles away from where i stood. It was still dark so the locals could tell i was treading the roads as not one among them. I was a stranger to their lands and out of directions too.

Soon i found myself walking on the path that was suppose to lead to the hilltop. Sooner i realized i had walked past it by almost 2 miles. It was very dark and even the earliest rays of sun had not gleamed through the dark skies yet...the twilight was in the waking. So with ample of time ahead of me to return back to the hilltop i still had hope of making the best of the one day i was going to spend on this beautiful hill top town in maharashtra before i planned my way to Goa the same evening.

Mahabaleshwar is a beautiful place with lovely strawberry farms and a lot of places of historical significance as well as a dense forest with breath taking views from different points of the town. With an elevation of 1438 meters, this beautiful place is bound by valleys on all sides.

Sooner i had realized that i had overwalked my destination by a considerable distance I stopped over wondering in the middle of the dark road with no billboards or direction posts. I was lost. To my surprise, a nelderly figure from the other end of the road. He was approaching out of the twilight just when dawn was about to break. The elderly man was wearing a monkey cap to protect himself from the mountain cold and a red sweater to keep his body warm as he walked up the hill. From his walk i could tell he was accustomed to walking over this hill and my asking him confirmed the same.

I wished him good morning and asked him in if he knew directions to the sunrise point....the man stood still and looked up at me with a hunch, as his age bought him to almost near exhaustion climbing up the way. He took a deep breath and smiled at me. It was a smile similar and so familiar any person would acknowledge it with a open heart. At this point my apprehensions of having stopped his flight inappropriately disappeared and I smiled back at him.

The old man said that he has been walking up and down the hill for the past 40 yrs of his life as he worked at a plant nursery on the other side of the mountain.He had a contentment on his face of that of a warrior and the peacefullness of a happy man. I asked him if he has ever gone outside of the hill town ... he said no. I asked him if he every wanted to... he said no with a smile. I was very intriqued to ask why would he not like to see how the world has developped around his town just to explore new places, he just replied to me saying he has not thought about it yet.

As we kept walking back up the hill, a thought came to my mind. With a man who walked almost all of his life up and down the hill I had no right to complain about all the comforts i misuse in my daily life and all the nature i take for granted everyday This was a lesson i learned that day, walking with the humble man of the mountain hill. He taught me how to be satisfied with life and constantly battle the up's and down's of life as they are part of our every day life.

We walkied quitely enjoying the lovely breaking of dawn and cooing of birds till we came to a juncture where i started walking towards the sunrise point and the old man walked down the hill to tend the plants at the nursery.

The old man will walk again climbing the mountain and to the other side back home, i was glad to have met such a person who helped me see the sunrise from an entirely different perspective. I walked my way back to the guest house all awe inspired and feeling glad that i lost my way chasing the sun.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Another Day

On a lazy clouded afternoon
Where the smell of earth from previous rain days still remain

A daze glaring from the obscure clouds gather my attention
No Shadows standing or trailing against ... no noon shrouds

Filaments of broken rainbows line up the far set horizon
With gleaming signs of hope from the not so far distances

Blades of grass on endless pastures seem to smile
As the sun plays hide n seek with it's vermilion charades

As I prepare myself for this Ingenuity out of the ever blue skies
An array of feelings bring forth yet another day in its reprieve

Monday, July 18, 2011

Beauty Star Inc.

Gathering of clusters at a celestial brink
looking through the expanse of a kaleidoscopic wink

you stare trough a dazzling panorama of affinity
striking in pose so deliberate..an enchanting reciprocity

the beauty warms my eyes like an endearing enamor
wind carrying luster lilies to an aural glamour

distances between us that make the vibe so loud
it travels through...times to tell... me about you's so wow'd

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Re'member'-ing My Dreams

Notions and emotions make my understanding strife
the chasm of life to makeup a sundry archive

Spectacles over truth that are readily confined
these are glories to me imperturbably aligned

Elements of earth that come twirling in clay chimes
Make me whistle to the winds of stupendous times

Glories and devotions for me are mysteries in shroud
For unsung moments have spun magic in many a cloud

Warps and motion make my diligence to ground
no closer i feel to earth no farther the sky's bound

Reverence and mercy tear my soul asunder
Neither closer to heaven I am nor a hell down under

Conclusions with ambiguity as my contrivance repletes
Conscious to remember, My dreams gathers up in fleets

Monday, May 9, 2011

Stoic reframed

Broken is a charriot almost amidst flames
For what are burning wheels that havent spun a fame

Certain is an act that spells rhetoric games
 for there will come a raider who steers in passive maimes

Stoic said the greek Zeno for all impassive pains
Let Retro be the motion when emotion plays in chains

When Illusionary waves entrain ...a notion so restrained
Life devours all pain .:. when confessions foray unarranged

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Time to Fine

Passion and love define adversities of time
Emotions out of perception with limitless deceptions grind

Familiarity may breed contempt but coheres with its strengths
When singularity is attempted with many painful concents

For momentous are the chords of institutional divine
Retribution of love can passionately sail through undying

Rigid is the motion when thought presses against time
Frozen are the senses as when impulses lack the rhyme

Stoic is the notion as the rhythm fails to find
Livid are emotions when the motion sets it's time

Wondering animations with it's waves meant to bind
Submersibility as a potion.. for the depths are going to pro find

Thursday, April 21, 2011

An Oxymoron of an Oxymoron

"Pain as a perception is plain..
I as a reflection is the aim."

"Introspect in a quaint fame..
life will retrospect as a passive maim"

One could make pain as simple by adding an L&I to it
The Learning of I... and one can make pain just as Plain

If learning the I or the Inner self is going to be the aim
Then pain as a perception is going to be quite simply a plain game

an ability to introspect inner perceptions of pain
will reveal great deal a retrospect on life again

when life starts to retrospect from our introspection's gained
the sojourn commutes just as good as a passive maim....a harm too strained

Life sojourn's short ....when vivid is the motion
Pensive is the mood...when there's not much left to brood.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Maim the Pain

Pain as a perception is pla(I)n
I as a reflection is the Aim

Introspect in a quaint fame
Life will retrospect in a passive maim

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Penultimate Enticement

An aspiration devoid of an inspiration...ignorance of a virtue.
A conspiracy short of an alibi...ignorance of a vice.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Catching time by it's forelocks!!!

Mind and matter are predictable virtues of time. The intensity of emotions create a placid flow of thought.

Over time rests ones ability to filter matter which the Japanese call JORIKI...or the subliminal mind filter that helps one understands how the mind controls senses willingly and lets through only information that one can get attuned to receive....

a step further....

perception of the unknown is ones ability of having mastered the JORIKI filter and going belong the sub conscious mind...beyond the subliminal barrier....the deep conscious mind...a state of being....usual to deep sleep....common if practiced while awake...is magic in itself

we are aware of this state of mind during incidents when our physical consciousness saw a speeding car on the street that almost ran us down but our mind had a short n brief intuition about it and sent a nervous current to our body and we stepped back in the nick of time saving our lives...what we call an involuntary reaction....

a step further...

this involuntary reaction of the mind is a deep conscious reaction...the state of mind in sleep...not the conscious...not the sub conscious....the deep conscious which operates at a level where you learn to understand that the things to come are already perceived and a person is aware of its coming...

a step further....

constant acquaintance with this consciousness inside helps us intuit things to come voluntarily thereby giving us a heads up on time...a filter on matter that gives you a heads up on time is what's called mind over matter!

a step further...

if one can voluntarily intuit...one learns the spontaneity of his or her surroundings and perception works on a different dimension...awareness expands and the notion of time disappears...

the intensity of thoughts are more in tandem with the usual conditioned consciousness ..just that time and matter merge to give way to a newer truth.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Perceptive Emotional Thoughtful Love!!!

Emotion as a material perception, sensitive deception
Emotion of a pure love, an expression of happiness
Emotion as a contrivance on sadness susceptible to gaiety
Emotion as it is...without perception or any cognitive intervention
Definition-less, inexpressive, feeling-less understanding of life...
Emotion as an understanding of life in a thoughtful fashion...PERCEIVED.

Perception as an immediate cause of love...defunct
Perception as a yardstick to one's own conclusions, conjunct
Perception as an understanding of these conclusions, a little stunt
Perceptions as it is...without love or any emotional intervention, blunt
Endless, thoughtless, response-less feelings towards life
Perception as an understanding of life in an emotional fashion...LOVED.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Distances come alive

From distances arise notions
far beyond the unforeseen
of time and it's seamless possibilities
into selves of elemental changes

as we learn to ponder beyond the real
like blossoms that bloom through the spring
breaking shackles of the comfortable known
entering into realms of the selective unknown

wondering if there will ever be a stop
to the limitless expanse of emotions that crop
stretching from the breath of your glorious smile
the heart would die on every distinguished mile

the wait continues to inspire forever hearts
for your thoughts would linger on...another moment starts
a self contrived by surety so sublime... eternity parts
of you perceived in ardency divine...the smile lasts

Saturday, February 26, 2011


A journey through time
A passage through limitless options
A collection of choices
Mastered by the art of selection
A culmination of the deepest desires
Selectively ecpresses through careful introspection
A path carved through for a newer truth
A self unknown that discovered you
A regress of the old
A progress to the new
Bring to life moments
That enrich a living as we live and let through
Escapades of the real in definitions of vivid
Elaborate crevices of time
Return to the unknown diligences sanguine
A journey of life as it passes us by
Precious diamonds or treasures we cant buy
Serenity of the extensible minds in the act
Expressions of the known livid in motion
A flow of the ethereal inexplicable time
Dotted with emotions that thoughts cant define
Entrusted with glories of placid quagmires
Heart felt cognizances of thrift lullaby's
In Momentary suspensions of time and space
Soul travels distances for unconditioned miles

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Essence of Confluence

L'Essence De l'Confluence

Isnt day and night at duality too
Arent shadows part of da light
Doesnt da sum always shine as a star
Isnt the universe full of dark matter
Dont we always love ourselves for who we are
Isnt change the only constant
Dont we constantly change to adapt
doesnt our spirit go bck n forth in diff.realms
Dont we question the inevitable
Dont we resist our own acceptance of thoughts
Dont we seek answers to the unknown and refute the known
Dont we fall in love wid strangers and distance our own
Isnt there always light on da oda side of the tunnel
Dont we go through complete darkness searching for the light
Dont we sometimes question our own might
Dont we always push our own limits to believe
That what we think is indeed what we feel
Dont we always rest in leasure
Dont we always toil to braek free
Dont our desires keep returning in different forms
Isnt difference the only way of perception
Isnt cognition a dependence of memories
Arent memories things of the past
Doesnt the past keep repeating itself over time
Dont we always rediscover ourselves
Doesnt time heal everything
Dont we always expect changes for better
Dont we anticipate the peculiar unknown
Dont we forget our sorrows
Dont we relieve our joyous moments
Doesnt life not stop for no one
Doesnt irony strike as our own
Dont we learn to live and let live
Dont we survive to fight the race
Arent there so many first mistakes
Dont we always learn from our own mistakes
Dont our friends remind us of who we are
Dont we always look up the stars
Dont we always choose from the best
Dont we always forget the rest
Arent choices always a matter of opinion
Dont opinions differ from person to person
Isnt an individul a unique identity
Arent we part of a common conscience
Dont we all love to love and hate to hate
Isnt hate our only experience of no love
Dont we demark our own boundries
Arent limitations overcome in times of need
Dont we rely on our subconscious consciously
Dont we tread the line of continuity
Dont we break the comfort of monotony
Dont we chase the pot of gold on the other side of the rainbow
Isnt optimism a positive of negation
Dont we see a half glassful of water half empty
Doesnt life teach us lessons of our own
Dont we take apples for apples
Dont we sometimes subject the abstract
Dont we sometimes object reality
Dont we speculate categorical implications
Dont we make our do's and dont's
Arent there just two sides to a coin
Dont we have to surface when we go deep
Dont we seclude peace in momentary thoughts
Dont we cry a few tears when we laugh
Dont we manage time with tasks
Dont we tend to try and change the past
Dont we value our own emotions
Dont we always lend a helping hand
Dont we get carried away with our meandering thoughts
Dont we put our head down in helplessness
Dont we lookup in times of prayer
Dont we interpret divine interventions
Dont we always look for the signs
Dont our consciousness know what is to come
Don't we forsee things that are yet to come
Dont we allow things to fall in place naturally
Arent we always in harmony with nature
Dont we get amused on coincidences
Dont we enjoy our time travelling dejavus
Dont we dream of dreams to come
Dont we create our own worlds of fantasies
Dont we chase success in ambition
Dont we feel contently in self expression
Dont we find bliss in solitude
Dont we rush to not miss the race
Dont we forget to forgive
Dont we expect pardon in forgiveness
Dont we soother our egos for pleasure
Dont we curtail our misunderstandings
Dont we allow gaps in our flow of conversations
Dont we listen in silence
Dont words fall short of our feelings
Arent feelings thoughts ways of expression
Dont we forget to rest our minds
Dont we let our hearts run its emotions
Dont we think of our sweethearts
Dont we feel for the missing thoughts
Dont we delay our responses
Dont we always consider circumstances
Dont we always believe in who we are
Dont we let our insecurities lurk in the dark
Dont our brightest ideas shine in the light
Dont we learn to ignore our innocence
Dont we grow weary of internal resistance
Dont we fight our own demons
Dont we disregard our own shortcomings
Dont we continue to linger on
Dont we wait for the right opportunities
Dont we build on patience as a virtue
Isn't stead-fastedness a step in time
Dont we surrender to magical moments
Dont we enter the speckles of time
Dont we introspect the grains of sand
Dont we call of life a lengthy rhyme
Arent we made up of our own imaginations
Dont we create a self that we own
Dont we wonder on the spectacles unknown
Dont we write our own destiny
Dont we blame ourselves for our own past
Dont we plan for our own future
Dont we limit our sources of imagination
Dont we accept help as a gesture so fine
Dont we appreciate a sense of Humor
Dont we rekindle forgotten love
Dont we enumerate our sense to belong
Dont we always enjoy good company
Dont we create sense of urgencies
Dont we impose ourselves to plunder
Arent territories earmarked for personal space
Dont we burst bubbles of restrictions
Dont we take liberty for granted
Dont we take ownership of our actions
Dont we o observe gratitude as a virtue
Dont we allow ourselves to be trapped in time
Dont we always follow the drawn lines
Dont we sometimes think out of the box
Dont we break the shackles of our own dead locks
Dont we feel exuberant in comfort
Dont we sense the longing currents
Dont we flow in the chain of thought
Dont we support a broken heart
Dont we suggest peace and love
Dont we agree on reasonable behavior
dont we understand the tides of time
Dont we catch time by its fore horns
Dont we accumulate wisdom as we grow
Dont we value intellect as we show
Arent ways of life so mysteriously entwined
Dont we agree to disagree on attitudes
Dont we trust the good old rumor form the grape vine
Dont we summarize for unscrutinized attentions
Dont we sometimes critically analyze
Dont we adjust to ethnic norms
Dont we find solace in repeated gains
Dont we travel l distances at a stretch
Dont we attain the spiritual best
Dont we cradle our souls to unconditioned
Dont we fall into the swirling emotions
Dont we fall out of the readily unexplained
Isn't love lost somebody's lovely gain!!!

Monday, February 14, 2011


to a fragrance from flowers with tender petals of love...
to all the moments relieved in words of silence

to expressive adoring admiration of two hearts...
to a way of learning that progresses by care

to a singularity of mind that impresses by thought...
to an embrace of awe inspired intimacy

to perceptions towards deeper meanings of life...
to a day with bouquet full of your smiles

Sunday, February 6, 2011

With lOVE

raison détre

The reason for being and the reason to be
Are two different notions to identify with

The reason for being for who we are
For what we do and for what we believe in

The reason to be is an existential relation
The reason to be is not to be

In essence the reason for being and to be
Are two self contradictory mutually existing notions

It's what Shakespeare was thinking of when he plundered upon the irony of
To be or not to be but his notion was utterly dramatized

To be subjected to dual forces of life..
The essence of being and the essence of belonging meet
It's where the good and the bad the Yin and the Yan meet
The counter balance to these dual forces are the same forces that get them together

If unlike attract and likes repel then the good was meant for evil and vice versa
This make's it much easier to understand, the forces self align

Duality is existential and duality is the nature of emotion
Emotions balance themselves out….like love balances hate

Love is not my idea of an emotion that has such complex sides that one can not ignore
The chemistry of love is quite different compared to the two lovers who are actively involved

For them to be in love is magical, they did not intend it, they fell for it, at subtle levels the dual forces
Of chemistry aligned, and so do physics and the psychology of love

The two lovers are dual forces of the dual forces that is brining them together
It's a bigger picture, matches are made in heaven, or so they say….
Our two lovers were meant to meet each other….to love and to be loved…to find the reason to be
And the reason being unknown, love is magical, it just happens

To let ourselves be….without inhibitions…conscious about the feeling
Conscious about the world, about the emotions that we give
The emotions that we take with us, emotions that make us twist and turn in excitement
The epitome of ecstasy, two lovers having been so drawn to each other
They become one in existence, one in love, one by love
One as they were meant to be, the instincts passed on,

Passages turn greener, colors look brighter, they feel happier
we get expressive, we get understanding
we get sincere and truthful, we pretend to care, we pretend to attend
we hold hands, walk beaches, stare at stars
share intimate moments, get known, we learn
we submit, we get courageous, we stand for our rights
we share our personal space, we pretend to be happy

colors start to fade, paths turn to usual, we welcome reality
we open up, we let somebody to choose for us
we learn to trust, we put faith in our partner's hands
we share the moments, we get on with life

the existence continues to be
we continue to be
a little closer to the existence, a little closer to life
we are a part of life's forces, we are dual, bound forces
we emanate, we reciprocate, we get spontaneous

we love on…we open ourselves up further
the journey unlocks mystery like in infinitum
we discover ourselves everyday….
We class choices, we share joy's
We get selective we get creative we get special

The reason for being and the reason to be change
Perspective takes a paradigm shift
All that we idealized and all that we worked for
Needs more attention then ever before
We constrain, we refrain, we contain our feelings our thoughts
We learn to sacrifice, we learn to consider… to criticize

Time moves on we look on by, circumstances change
Life presents additions, people come to understand you
we are a part of the society, a mutually admiring society
we express your emotions, we maser them we use them
we make way for our choices with wishes

we continue to choose, we specialize in the art of options
Certainty is imbibed, we get confident, we share the reason to be
we see the world as two different entities sharing the same joy's and commotions of life
the power of duality within duality….we feel responsible…we feel secure and cared for
bonds and shackles disappear, we push our mental and emotional selves to newer realms

we experience life as it comes, two mute observers with different attitudes
two different sets of behaviors, two sets of moods, two personalities shaped by life itself
Duality within duality within duality of subtle elements have known us by

we scrutinize we analyze we demystify, we get suggestive
the reason to be together, to be as one dual force is magical
it allures millions to fall in love, to express the helplessness in solidarity
the magic of unison and specter of celebrations

the spectacle turns into an expanse …ever so vast, we learn to be quiet spectators
we learn to be listeners, welcoming arrays of emotions
we explore each other's individualities, each other's formalities
we break through the conscious barriers
for the reason to be is the reason to be together….