Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Catching time by it's forelocks!!!

Mind and matter are predictable virtues of time. The intensity of emotions create a placid flow of thought.

Over time rests ones ability to filter matter which the Japanese call JORIKI...or the subliminal mind filter that helps one understands how the mind controls senses willingly and lets through only information that one can get attuned to receive....

a step further....

perception of the unknown is ones ability of having mastered the JORIKI filter and going belong the sub conscious mind...beyond the subliminal barrier....the deep conscious mind...a state of being....usual to deep sleep....common if practiced while magic in itself

we are aware of this state of mind during incidents when our physical consciousness saw a speeding car on the street that almost ran us down but our mind had a short n brief intuition about it and sent a nervous current to our body and we stepped back in the nick of time saving our lives...what we call an involuntary reaction....

a step further...

this involuntary reaction of the mind is a deep conscious reaction...the state of mind in sleep...not the conscious...not the sub conscious....the deep conscious which operates at a level where you learn to understand that the things to come are already perceived and a person is aware of its coming...

a step further....

constant acquaintance with this consciousness inside helps us intuit things to come voluntarily thereby giving us a heads up on time...a filter on matter that gives you a heads up on time is what's called mind over matter!

a step further...

if one can voluntarily learns the spontaneity of his or her surroundings and perception works on a different dimension...awareness expands and the notion of time disappears...

the intensity of thoughts are more in tandem with the usual conditioned consciousness ..just that time and matter merge to give way to a newer truth.

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