Wednesday, November 6, 2019

This nothingness of everything

This is my most prudent effort to all the nothingness i find in everything these days

A very mild yet equivocal summation of my forbearing thoughts this year

Representing the very best and the very worst of that very best

A catapult dive into the carefully navigated trenches of the conditioned

To a moment of solidarity and a brief handshake with the indomitable Mr. Spirit

and a quick reflection of the outside world as it appears from the vantage point of it all

Never such a tendency to never rise back.. Never such an unseen perception of the far away exterior

Only to briefly hold my senses ransom am I given this moment
And Of the immense limitation it already is to not be

Ahoy and behold your captive senses for the mighty spirit is awakened
Only for a moment of solidarity.. Only for a moment of singularity

Awaken still to the purpose of this life and holding on to this momentary reflection I hear a voice within

You can't stay here longer in this nested paradise of your souls warm caress

And the spirit ran back to the comfort of the superficial and the sedate livery of this world

Leaving nothing but a trace of the serendipity..leaving nothing but a luminous trail back to obscurity

Leaving nothing but an unquenched thirst for a bit more
Of the true identity of this soul with its surprises galore

I leave the comfort of my home...
I leave the shelter of my soul..

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