Saturday, May 24, 2014

Perceptive Timelessness . ... ..

Retracted in the continuity of a languid existence
Far away from the treacherous deception of nature's insanity
Swept under by the gloomy magical illusions of this world
and forsaken in the dark turmoil of a unintelligible quagmire of matter

Constantly tucked away in the rugged ebb and flow of tumultuous imitations
this surreal fancy spell of my sensual elemental retrospect's limitations
constrained by invisible forces and limited by minds periodic projections
thoughts amass in wave forms and dispelled in this material existence

what is the life of this thought that degenerates in time,, i wonder
are they cuneiform assemblage of arrayed visions from the future...
that are constructed in the workshop of a constantly working mind
and presented to the ethereal world as an individual's unique signature

for what happens to a million thoughts that are construed every day then..
for the perpetual inflow of my inspirations trigger a garland of thoughts that are unique
some are lost and some are retained, if their merit beholds a purpose to serve
most of them are lost forever in this rude and horrendous precipitation of time

if these thoughts are connections between different dimensions of my world
the past the present and the future...within which my stalemate life swirls
where regression of ideas and resurgence of dreams are matters of infinite requiems
where deja'vu's are nothing but repetitions of my minds joriki the subliminal filter

the immensity of natures deception using time and the mind's myriad perceptions entwined
have forever kept me wondering weather there's anything real that's passes through time
as they say nothing lasts forever..and time consumes everything in it..then..
is everything perceptively lost? or filtered that way based on it's purposefulness?

it's hard to ponder on the nature of a mind that's giving all it's thoughts away ...
and it still continues to live in its imaginary wealth of happiness and joy.
as I think my life away on a path guided with limited retrospection's...
will there be an end to this ridiculous saga...or will this riddle's continue as a timeless perception..

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