Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Muse to Beauty...No reasons for Happiness

It is a Muse how Nature Pretends to concede in Transition..
This tales is about The Beauty that's at it's conceiving Best.

When I see my Reflection in the Mirror what is it that I See?
My eyes..and what they see...the beauty that my soul emanates forever.

In an awe struck intensity I am caught.. in a Moment of relief I am freed..
The emptying of my limitations become an act in effervescence,in continuity and always flowing.

I start to observe my uninhibited soul as a world traveler stuck in a Sandstorm..
Where a Mirage even thought an illusion gives signs of a great Hope to Survive.

My Mirage today..my own reflection in the mirror.. threw across me quite a surprise...
As it gave me a sneak peak into my own surmising reasons to believe..

What my eyes see meets what my Soul Is... half way at this point,
With a travesty unclaimed...with no regulated reason or any rituals that anoint.

The distance between my perceiving reflections... right from the heart of my soul's heart..
Beauty Is caught in a moment of reflection...no one else's thought could ever behold..hearts of heart

The nature of an intended act and the intention of a known observer could always be predetermined by a set
selection of ones choices...
But I still find myself wondering what coincidences are struck out of..and how really beautiful I am... as my own reflection..and in my own voices!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Galaxy of Stars in my Mind

Straying away from the shrine.
What is it that this subtlety would define...

Charades of blink-less moments
Gather up to a twist in time.

Meticulously placed between its spatial reigns...
The correlatives fall into its peaceful shades.

Wonder fully remnant of their spiritual star...
The blink full eye takes a twitch...afar.

Beyond the ethereal and within the sublime...
The notion is collective...and of an intuitive natural divide.

Far away between the spaces in Its firmed positions...
And specked by the proximity of its linear plenary notes .

Drawn in the moments instilled in parallel worlds...
so regulated and yet so entwined to it's nether twin lords,

Nerve retching anatomy of the neurons transcend
A Galaxy of stars that no more seem to draw..pop ..distances amend.

From the nebulae of it's imaginative precursors...
Are born the far fathomed ...from their propelling predecessors.

...Leaving a trail of absorbent dye like light.
...The gene call is an emotion full of delight.

Gathered in it's helixes the sub atomic vibrates in it's own path..
Perceiving in pairs the nature of it's rightful expression..like a bulls eye to it's dart.

Prophesied in the starry elements..like of a soulful dance..
Auras made in galactic dust playing an eternal role as if struck in chance.

Driven by a course formed out of it's amazing trail...
The galaxies line up like links of a never ending chain.

Subtle and yet so trivial ,how retrospection forms its subliminal thoughts...
The Trail is endless for the perceiver as he connects the ink from the linking dots.

Journey through the Immaculate and dualistic non dual fluxes of vibes...
Like radiating clusters and divine orbits in expression of freedom... like the shamans to their tribes.

Further one wonders of the fathomless nature of ones stars...
Scientific in it's beauty and glorious in it's strides of art.

Nonetheless the spirit stays in it's spacious shrines...
Resting benevolently in it's intermediary resident times.

Collective in evanescence am I? or surrounded by the light?

Is The twinkling glows reprise a tale? Or is it a mystery around it's own flickering flight?

Ravi K.Dhar