Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Muse to Beauty...No reasons for Happiness

It is a Muse how Nature Pretends to concede in Transition..
This tales is about The Beauty that's at it's conceiving Best.

When I see my Reflection in the Mirror what is it that I See?
My eyes..and what they see...the beauty that my soul emanates forever.

In an awe struck intensity I am caught.. in a Moment of relief I am freed..
The emptying of my limitations become an act in effervescence,in continuity and always flowing.

I start to observe my uninhibited soul as a world traveler stuck in a Sandstorm..
Where a Mirage even thought an illusion gives signs of a great Hope to Survive.

My Mirage today..my own reflection in the mirror.. threw across me quite a surprise...
As it gave me a sneak peak into my own surmising reasons to believe..

What my eyes see meets what my Soul Is... half way at this point,
With a travesty unclaimed...with no regulated reason or any rituals that anoint.

The distance between my perceiving reflections... right from the heart of my soul's heart..
Beauty Is caught in a moment of reflection...no one else's thought could ever behold..hearts of heart

The nature of an intended act and the intention of a known observer could always be predetermined by a set
selection of ones choices...
But I still find myself wondering what coincidences are struck out of..and how really beautiful I am... as my own reflection..and in my own voices!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Galaxy of Stars in my Mind

Straying away from the shrine.
What is it that this subtlety would define...

Charades of blink-less moments
Gather up to a twist in time.

Meticulously placed between its spatial reigns...
The correlatives fall into its peaceful shades.

Wonder fully remnant of their spiritual star...
The blink full eye takes a twitch...afar.

Beyond the ethereal and within the sublime...
The notion is collective...and of an intuitive natural divide.

Far away between the spaces in Its firmed positions...
And specked by the proximity of its linear plenary notes .

Drawn in the moments instilled in parallel worlds...
so regulated and yet so entwined to it's nether twin lords,

Nerve retching anatomy of the neurons transcend
A Galaxy of stars that no more seem to draw..pop ..distances amend.

From the nebulae of it's imaginative precursors...
Are born the far fathomed ...from their propelling predecessors.

...Leaving a trail of absorbent dye like light.
...The gene call is an emotion full of delight.

Gathered in it's helixes the sub atomic vibrates in it's own path..
Perceiving in pairs the nature of it's rightful expression..like a bulls eye to it's dart.

Prophesied in the starry elements..like of a soulful dance..
Auras made in galactic dust playing an eternal role as if struck in chance.

Driven by a course formed out of it's amazing trail...
The galaxies line up like links of a never ending chain.

Subtle and yet so trivial ,how retrospection forms its subliminal thoughts...
The Trail is endless for the perceiver as he connects the ink from the linking dots.

Journey through the Immaculate and dualistic non dual fluxes of vibes...
Like radiating clusters and divine orbits in expression of freedom... like the shamans to their tribes.

Further one wonders of the fathomless nature of ones stars...
Scientific in it's beauty and glorious in it's strides of art.

Nonetheless the spirit stays in it's spacious shrines...
Resting benevolently in it's intermediary resident times.

Collective in evanescence am I? or surrounded by the light?

Is The twinkling glows reprise a tale? Or is it a mystery around it's own flickering flight?

Ravi K.Dhar

Sunday, October 14, 2012


                              BOOM SHIVA

Shiva is Source, Shiva is Power, Shiva is Energy.
Shiva is Static, Shiva is Dynamic, Shiva is the Eternal.

Shiva is Love, Shiva is Justice, Shiva is Compassion.
Shiva is Dance, Shiva is Music, Shiva is Happiness

Shiva is Truth, Shiva is Illusion, Shiva is All Pervading.
Shiva is Enchanting, Shiva is Mysterious, Shiva is Beautiful.

Shiva is Seeing, Shiva is Doing, Shiva is Act.
Shiva is Vision, Shiva is Knowledge, Shiva is light.

Shiva is Fragrance, Shiva is Ashes, Shiva is Life.
Shiva is Sky, Shiva is Vast, Shiva is Encompassing

Shiva is Anger, Shiva is Third Eye, Shiva is Annihilation
Shiva is Shakti, Shiva is Purity, Shiva is Shanti

Shiva is Cosmos, Shiva is Effervescence, Shiva is Om.
Shiva is Thought, Shiva is Mind, Shiva is Legend.

Shiva is Day, Shiva is Night, Shiva is Twilight.
Shiva is Nector, Shiva is Poison, Shiva is Smile.

Shiva is Soul, Shiva is Limitless, Shiva is Matter.
Shiva is Divine, Shiva is Inside, Shiva is Outside.

Shiva is Army, Shiva is Commander, Shiva is War.
Shiva is Amicability, Shiva is Alluring, Shiva is Desire.

Shiva is Emotion, Shiva is Intuition, Shiva is Illumination.
Shiva is Innocence, Shiva is Birth, Shiva is Death.

Shiva is Beginning, Shiva is Ending, Shiva is Permanence
Shiva is Meditation, Shiva is Concentration, Shiva is Calm.

Shiva is Benevolent, Shiva is Concept, Shiva is Prayer.
Shiva is Analogous, Shiva is Derivative, Shiva is Extract.

SHIVA in my Heart...SHIVA on my Mind...SHIVA is my Soul.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

dualité de l'esprit et le cœur

Je eveille  pour contemple mes idees natural
et comment ils forme un system de support pour tous que je pense
et pour quoi je fait quoi je pense est necessaire pour un existence moins complique

Premierement, j'ai un idee qui dominera mon nature tous le temps
C'est une idee qu'est l'raison d'etre pour ma esprit
mais mon esprit parle la langue d'amour seulement

Quant je pense des mes amis et ma famille les sentiments parler beaucoup
Mais quelque fois c'est possible que ces sentiments sont faux
parceque mon coeur a connaissez avec les coeurs des mes amis et famille pendant long temps, je aura connait
c'est important au regarder connections de la coeur et du esprit avec un lens microscopic

Ces connections travail dans un unique fashion qui melanger ma coeur avec ma esprit
Pendant ces disconnections que ne sont pas tres evident...mon esprit et ma coeur avons en disagreement pour un raison
Je regarde ces disconnections avec les yeux d'un critique qui aura ferme l'espace entre les deux

Ces une significant culturelle et social significance pour moi..ces disagreements
Parceque il remettre ma confidence cote-a-cote avec dualite eternal.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Darkness in Light

A wretched heart with a wicked smile,
Where do you travel my mind, so sublime.

A journey through darkness is where it will find,
A perceiving Illuminati momentarily distorted in time.

The essence and the glory of eternity's thoughts are so fine,
With far fetched notion of mysterious spaces, it shines!

Beyond the darkness of an ethereally thinking mind,
Lie unexplored spaces that are surprisingly entwined.

A moment passes as the light gives way to dark,
The trickery of space passes and the passages of time embarks...

An affirmation of essential duality forming out of incredible spite,
The Illumination of endearing wits, stay right up into the flight.

Am a traveler of my mind with a body made of light,
I Cherish the darkness just as much as cherish the bright!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Shangri-la for my Soul

A Shangri-la for my soul... a rhapsody in speech
listen oh dear, to the charades it beseech

of all the places in the world that it seeks
there is a place that lies surprisingly beneath

the place it comes to rest as it diligently weeps
the tears of sorrow that confess as they seep

a life full of oddities, in contention, repletes
as a divine message unfolds, and as unison in itself starts to speak

for surreal are the elements that the consciousness will heave
for the mind and body to renegade dimensions, that they are yet to cleave

the nature of formless continuity extends beyond conceivable roles
and there... stands the soul... asunder at opposite poles

no voices of reason or heart felt condolences enroll
the mind and body parables but sub consciously console

the melancholy and tristesse finally falls apart
as the soul rests in a Shangri-la of it's own uncharted path