Monday, June 15, 2015

Spirits in Existence

There is a certain relationship between existence and it's spirituality
Of that stemming from necessity and evolution where the progress of a spirit in existence is concerned 

In certain sects and in many world beliefs the spirit world is a direct pathway to one's own existence.. Through intrinsic retrospection one can really live the livid realms of one's inner soul unperturbed..given the will

With a special interest and away from the magnanimity and Pompous delegations of a conditioned mind, is a spirit soul indulgent in a resplendent magnificence of itself

Aloof from the rigid boundaries of the unsacramental and superficial day to day pulsations of life.. it still thrives

For the nature of the spirit has nothing to do with the worldly behavioral fabric woven by delimiting minds...

A spirit throb must deep dive into the rational modalities of his perceptions.. Into the formalities of the never conforming reclusiveness, of this untamed life..

Never deterred by the segmented reality and always in search of the subtle world it hides...away from the banality and marginal limitness of the projected vagaries of life

The act of introspection maybe of a conscious nature..but the will to submerge into the unknown unfamiliar world's within brings the real uprise

Challenging ones own belief systems and dogmas upheld, in return for a few drops of knowledge from the vast ocean of our very own spirituality and its existence.. 

We sure may have progressed on from being nomads to civilized societies with its vicious divides...
However...Our spirits still stay true to our existence, always waiting for us to take a look inside every once in a while

For the rewards are unfathomable and the experiences are untwined..
The journey will stay it's own course for its the traveller that will bring out the milestones alligned