Thursday, October 29, 2009


mystical magic eyes...
have you or have you shun a surprise...

the beauty in your beholding eye...
there are no limits in the rye...

come by my restless alibi..
you and I were meant to defy...

there’s a virtue in the vice…
of which…I’d never lie…

the misty blue eyes...
ever hiding from the graceful spy…

the truth condemned in a pyre…
splendid glow. Out in a satire

transform to inspire, miracles are a mire…
feel the ire…await the dire…

Solstice or equinox…the soul's on fire,
Heart skips a beat…do u really desire

Ponder the subtle subliminal crier
a drop of blue…thoughtfully wired

light summon the reflex, tranquil eyes are,
awaken the dream, behold you wiser!