Thursday, December 17, 2009

diamonds for a dime

a year that was... seeing everything is not true
believe in the mystic the ethereal bid adieu

for aspect of the myriad hues
shining in brilliance amongst multitudinous few

a smile so lustrous soul dived deep
rooted in elements a luminous intrigue

so say so say my resentful chic
allure in sanity nothings just as bleak

subtle imagination on wings of sublime
sense gratification an aura binds

magnetic vibes ...a geni is to find
farthest heavens...on the familiar miles

callous waves ride,a cold heart on peace
compassion is the love...that love defined

sounds of silence on an archetypal rainbow
reflections o a kind...blossoms reveal oh!

lost in time... petals oh time
found you with a for a dime

now is forever...pastures shine
on my way...time after time

Thursday, October 29, 2009


mystical magic eyes...
have you or have you shun a surprise...

the beauty in your beholding eye...
there are no limits in the rye...

come by my restless alibi..
you and I were meant to defy...

there’s a virtue in the vice…
of which…I’d never lie…

the misty blue eyes...
ever hiding from the graceful spy…

the truth condemned in a pyre…
splendid glow. Out in a satire

transform to inspire, miracles are a mire…
feel the ire…await the dire…

Solstice or equinox…the soul's on fire,
Heart skips a beat…do u really desire

Ponder the subtle subliminal crier
a drop of blue…thoughtfully wired

light summon the reflex, tranquil eyes are,
awaken the dream, behold you wiser!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Breaking The Habit

I haven't written in a very long time and this is just a dash at insanity again.
Let's call this perpetual indignation.

J.Krishnamurthy will say perception of reality is subject to common duality of matter in principle and in observation. Beauty lies in the eye of the mind, the core of institution between your brow that separates the real from the unreal, the murky from the clear and the present from the future.

The rhetoric is a never ending saga...this life, a complex arrangement of events from the day you were born when your wondered around insular innocence's of all your loved ones who have eagerly awaited your much anticipated arrival... as a moment of truth shone on the mighty there is no escaping the inevitable. Wonder why we are born crying? It's heaven and hell...the soul knows the sound of this cosmic churn...this rhythmic hymn...this sonic pulse of knows that from now on there is no looking back.

Now you look back on all those yonder years with mistiness in your eyes, your lips hiding a smile, and your soul sold a million times.

Fascination to life is an undue proportion you have mastered to indulge your senses with now, the present is heaven, you are heaven sent. The more you perceive, the more you detach from this undue proportion of fascination to life. Perceive life, relieve the present...don't live the moment, relieve the perception...the moment is what you bought on to come your way the way it has...perceive will will desire and you will perish in the abominations of your own exasperating self-indulgent obscurity....fascination is obscure...unduly inherited and uncompromisingly mishandled.It doesn't matter anymore if you are in the realm of your own misinterpretations. it doesn't matter if you refused to open the mind's eye to what is to come. The distinction has been made...a balance is awareness that you are aware. Now I am aware that I was asleep. A subtlety so finely entwined...the perpetual indignation...passed with time.